Jun 06, 2011 18:27
Yesterday was a complete loss to a stupid headache. I woke up feeling great today. I went for a run with the girls, then headed to the gym for a nice work out. I had all kind of plans to be productive to make up for the nothingness of yesterday (I even had to decline going to see the new X-Men movie with Alan and Katy).
But half way through grocery shopping, I was hit with a sudden, intense mother-fricking headache again. I could barely drive home. Alan drove me to the chiropractor, and while it helped, it is still there in the background. Now I have a headache basically starting at the middle of my skull (ear to ear) and going forward to my eye brows, and it just WON'T LEAVE. I am sitting with an ice pack on top of my head.
I am very well hydrated, am eating well, am taking both allergy and decongestant meds, and Excedrin Migraine. Nothing is working. The only medicine that ever really helps me is Midrin, and that's no longer available. I just want to cry.