Ohmigosh, I cannot believe it's almost JULY. Seriously, where has all my free time gone? Oh, that's right... I don't really have any. I'm happy when I'm busy, but I do miss being able to relax at home and do things like, you know, read and update my LJ *ducks head in shame*. But I do have an important question for the flist and I'd really like people's input.
So as you all know, I'm OBSESSED with Harry Potter and I'm so super excited for the final book to get here. Long story short, I've been searching and searching for some radish earrings a la Luna Lovegood - unfortunately, the only ones I've found so far have been made out of poylmer clay and painted. Granted, they're quite lovely but I really wanted some sparkly, beaded ones. So I'm not a fantastic artist and I'm not inspired enough to write fanfics but what I'm darn good at is arts and crafts.
So I made my own.
And once I get started on arts & crafts, I ended up wanting to do more and more. So my question for you all is if I made some extras and then perhaps tested the waters at various HP communities or also in the Harry/Ginny community - do you think anyone would buy a pair??? I mean, I'm getting enjoyment out of sharing my love for HP and I thought this could be a fun way to do it.
What do YOU think???