
May 01, 2009 09:27

I have had my LJ account for ages and have finally decided to try to use it despite all my technumptiness (yes I sincerely believe this is a real word).
I am usually to be found - by those that recognise my username - on the Richard Armitage Central forum where I spend alot of my time running art challenges and generally drooling over said Richard Armitage.
Currently, he is playing Guy of Gisborne in Robin Hood, the exceedingly gorgeous bad 'guy' who, despite Richard's protestations of Guy's evil character, there's many a woman who would crawl over broken glass to prostrate themselves before. Well he's a fantasy figure-what can I say!
So, to that end, I am going to try to use my LJ account for my artwork (and occasional blethering) providing I can figure out how to do so.....it's RA heavy but not exclusively him. Sometimes, just sometimes, I do other things!
I have no idea really and may do this all wrong, but watch this space (said with fingers crossed)!


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