weird dreams.

Jun 12, 2008 10:43

I had two long winded dreams that were cut in half by me waking up at 5 am to the sound of a bee buzzing around my head.
In the first dream, I was in some college town running around a house. I found Truman laying in a bed but he was stiff and non-responsive. I ran outside and pounded my hands on some cars full of people and asked where Justin was. He wasn't in any of the cars, so I headed back into the house panicked. I found Justin ("Justin", but it actually looked nothing like him but somehow was him) and he had blood on his shirt. I told him about Truman and he said "I just kept on punching until he stopped moving."

Woke up. 5 am. Bee running into the window by my bed, making a loud as hell noise. The bee disappears and I go back to sleep.

Second dream: I'm in a downtown college campus in a tall building. It felt like Vancouver or something. I'm riding around in a wheelchair even though I could walk if I wanted to. One of my coworkers is there, and we pretend like we don't know each other. We get onto an elevator, there are other people in the elevator and we are all quiet. Me and my coworker are laughing a little bit. The elevator goes up, feels a little unstable, but continues to climb. We continue rising until we see that we are being lifted out of the building - plucked out of the core of it. We can see buildings, the sky, water (?) and are slowly set down far outside the building. We are all enraged and confused, "what the hell was that? They can't do that! Did anyone know about this?" It looks like the sun is about the set, everything is orange, concrete, and green washed over by yellow. I somehow have a piece of garlic cheese bread (I had the same piece for dinner last night, and it ended up in my dream) in my hand. I held it up to my face, and looked across the top of it. I was looking across the sheet of melted cheese on top. When I titled the bread just slightly, something changed. It was like a hologram. I looked more intensely, and saw that it was replaying what happened with the elevator. We were lifted out of the center of the building with a huge gray crane. I was so amazed that I knew what happened, and that also, I found that you can record moments in time on the face of a piece of garlic cheese bread. I tried to show someone, but it didn't work again. I was so pissed.

Then I woke up and my hair looked like this.

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