Mar 18, 2004 22:51
Hey, I haven't updated in quite some time. Got bored of writing about what I do everyday since my life hasn't been too fascinating lately. I've been really happy lately though so that's unusual and also GREAT. I've been going to church lately and that's cool because i forget that people can be caring and nice since i've been hurt by so many "friends" in the past. (ALSO, i like a few guys at church. I'm a sucker for musicians what can i say....) Speaking of that, recently I've cut off all ties with 2 of my so-called friends because they were such negative people and generally were bad influences. I hate people who try to bring others down so they will end up as depressed and unhappy as they are with their own lives. Right now i have 2 really close friends that i know care about me and i'm content with that. I think some people that i was friends with in highschool are stuck in that high school mentality. I can only talk about superficical bullshit for so long, you know? (i.e. clothes, shopping, boys (they suck), body issues, etc.) I'm sick and tired of so much insecurity and people who feign it so they can get compliments from you to feed their inflated egos. AHH! Oh yes, and i also love it when you say something nice about someone's boyfriend so they will shut up with all the "do you approve" "do you like him" questions, and then they think you want to "steal" his jacked-up self from them. *sarcasm* Ugh, no drama please.
I can't wait for this semester to be over though..classes are so uninteresting and NOT challenging in the least. Except for nutrition 'cause you have to memorize a billion little facts. Poo. Can't wait to be a nurse though.
BUT Spring Break was so excellent. I had to work the first 3 days, but its alright since it's money in my pocket. Zanne and I just chilled at the beach and ate lots of good food. I bought this awesome butterfly candle so that was exciting as well. Oh yeah, i got a sunburn, but only on my left arm because it was out of the window on the 4 hour drive home. I'm an idiot...always use sunblock. I smoked 3 packs of cigarettes in 4 days over spring break. How gross am I. Zanne suggested that i make a shirt that says "I'm fucking nasty" because I am of course. Heh i would enjoy that.
Oh, something else exciting happened today. (Not really) An older gentlemen at Black Dog stared at me for the whole time I was there in a verrry creepy way. Kinda uncomfortable indeed. Lemme tell you i attract the old guys. That would be good for me if i was an old lady and everything but im 19 so it doesn't work out too well.