House/Wilson recs etc

Jan 10, 2010 19:56

I haven't posted in over a year, so maybe it's about time. My last post (as you can see below) was about Amber Allure and their books (most of them electronic). I've read  two or three of their titles now and I have to say that I'm slightly disappointed. Maybe it's because I'm used to reading slash which often is less stereotyping of m/m relationships, at least in the fandoms that I read, which are admittedly few. I read mostly House/Wilson (House MD) and Hotch/Reid (Criminal Minds) at the moment, and most authors, especially in the latter fandom, are very good at not turning Reid, in particular, into a woman (even though he's very pretty, see icon).

So I'm honestly surprised that so many books written by gay men are stereotyping gay men more than women writers are. But I'll still give Amber Allure more chances as they do have many genres to choose from and often have 25 % discount. Maybe I have just chosen the wrong books so far?

Anyway, here are some recs for House/Wilson stories that are VERY good. I'd been out of touch with the fandom for almost two years, and to come back and find this author's stories made me very happy, and made me realise how good slash can be at its best. I'm a little jealous of course of her (his?) writing abilities, but I won't dwell on it :)

This is how the House and Wilson relationship should be dealt with, the House writers (who admittedly are extremely good most of the time) should take a lesson.

My favorite stories are:

Anhedonia and the sequel Phantom Limbs
and the story Riddle Me, which could very well be incorporated into the show itself without looking odd.

But I'd recommend the rest of the stories as well, take a look at the author's fic list:

It's been over a week of the new year, but still, Happy New Year and best of luck in 2010 :)

house/wilson, hotch/reid discussion, house md

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