Apr 04, 2005 22:29
Hm. printed up and made copies of the first issue of ! It turned out well for a first issue if you ask me. 40 bucks for 13 copies...damn. Whatever. hopefully it'll be worth it.
florida is gonna be pretty sick. i hope.
vacation is gonna be pretty sick. i hope.
prom is gonna be pretty sick. i KNOW! HAH!
im just so witty and quick.
im sorry that entire little...thing was just bad. the next time you see me...just hit me in the gut.
what else to say....well...what else do people that read this want to hear...i dont know...sexual adventures would probably be pretty popular...oh wait...never mind that. drama is always popular...i dont have any at the moment though...lame.
you know what pisses me off alot? girl magazines..that claim to know all this stuff about guys. I was reading one of them the other day and there was an article on like...15 things that a guy will do if he really likes you...and none of them are even close to true... well i shouldnt say that. A few of them were kind of true. i mean...how would a girl know that stuff? and i know they get testimony or whatever from "real" guys..but i would LOVE to meet one of these guys...if you take my meaning...
hold the fucking phone...maybe all the stuff girl magazines say is really true and i just dont do any of it because im a terrible person. Whoops. alright ladies...discount everything i just said and listen to this: I WILL brush your hair out of your eyes
I WILL lend you my most prized possessions
I WILL offer to share my food with you all the time
I WILL want to take pictures with you all the time
I WILL wear a certain outfit just because you compliment it.
I WILL send you stuff like a GPS Locater, Jumper cables and a medical kit when you or i go away. (seriously...that was one...nobody fucking does that do they?)
so...in conclusion; dont listen to that shit girls. its not true.
But some of those little "tricks" they have are very interesting and worth trying out though...hahahahhahahahahahah....hah.....ha...don't hit.