Hi guys! I've a little mermaid-related contest going on, and wanted to invite y'all to come participate!
Alternate Visions is looking for a mermaid-themed poem, elucidating the differences between a plus-size mermaid and a manatee. This is meant to be a kind-spirited, fun challenge, and there will be TWO prizes for the winner, as well as a prize for the second place entry. ^_^ The winner will receive a new, original piece of mermaid art, in addition to a new mermaid-themed necklace. And the runner up will receive a brand new mermaid-themed bracelet! :D
More details can be found
here or at the links below, and mehopes that y'all take part! I know there are a TON of creative peoples out there, n' I can't wait to see what folks come up with! ^_^
Contest Description:
http://alternate-visions.blogspot.com/2013/02/arright-since-it-seems-snow-daze-image.htmlExample Poem (Written by Yours Truly): h