
Oct 15, 2010 01:28

So, you know those tutorials I've been working on?  Well, I chose to one how-to about creating those safe, fun, truly inexpensive and super-easy costumes for the furry members of our families. :)

Now, I'm well on the way to being done (or, at least half way finished) w/my items for the felt pet costume tutorial. I've written a TON of wordy stuff that'll probably never actually make it to the how-to itself, but at least now I can say I do have one decent portion of the required work done- my boycat Skye's vampire/Dracula costume! ^_^



If you'd like to see a few more views (or other arts & crafts projects of mine). you can visit my FB page here. :)

All this took was a little time, some scissors, 3 pieces of 37-cent felt from a neighborhood superstore, some Fabric Tac, a few super-inexpensive faux jewels (they come in a bag for like $2.99 for a whole mish-mosh of fake "stones"), some cording, a few quick dashes of Night Star glitter fabric paint, and a teeny bit of sparkle on the cape for flavor. (I know, I know- "vampires don't sparkle!" But when you've got a black cat, it's good to help your black fabric stand out, so you can see it and not just black, glossy fur. :))

Now the decision is; what to do next?  Write on the tutorial, or start on my girly-cat Ouna's faerie costume..?  
Anyhoo, hope you guys like, and Happy Halloween! ♥

(x-posted in a few craft & Halloween communities)

tutorials, how-to, halloween, costume, etsy dark team, skye

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