(no subject)

May 06, 2010 18:50

Yay! - The roommate's gone & I have the house all to myself!
Boo! - My cool roommate's gone & I have the house all to myself. ;\
Yay! - Got the cable back up again, which is now in my name.
Boo! - They couldn't just turn around n' hook mine up when they disconnected hers, so I've been net (and thus phone) free for the last day n' a half or so.
Yay! - I can watch whatever I want, whenever I want, n' be in the livingroom whenever I wish!
Boo! - I carry the full cable costs solo.
Yay! - Due to no roommie, I can set the thermostat to whatever I want!
Boo! - I just split the end & top of my left big toe open- dragging my giant bedside table into the livingroom so my teeny TV has something to sit on. Unfortunately its corner & underside got dragged over my TOE. OW/EW! Bloody toes = GROSS. (Bloody fingers, toes n' feet are the only things that gross me out. It's hard to wash up when you're all queasy n' vomitous-feeling. ;P) Getting better now. Just had to make sure I didn't bleed onto the carpet & track red splotches all over the place.... Still can't stomach putting anything like Neosporin on it yet...
Yay! - As soon as most folks leave the town for the summer, I FINALLY have somewhere to practice singing freely n' w/o inhibitions (read- @ the top of my lungs) w/o fear of disturbing anybody! :D:D

UBER-YAY! - Now that it's just me in the house; IT'S NAKEY TIME!!!!!!! *lol*

Ooh! Plus, I built things, and now have a garden!! *grunts like Tim allen*

Introducing a few new members of my "family!" ^_^
From Top: Roma - Tomato, Rathbone - Basil,
Rasta - Aloe, Audrey 2 - Mother of Thousands, (can't think of a good "r" mother's name), Rosetta - soon-to-be-catnip, Roxy - Mint, Rosemary - duh (after Clooney), Ruby/Red - Bell Pepper (can't quite decide yet), and last-but-not-least (actually grown first, has been growing for a month or so now) Rufus - Cat Grass!

Anyhoo, that's it for me for now!  Hope all of you guys are doing well.  I miss all of my friends in NoVa & beyond!

So Much Love,

tim allen grunts, house, new ikea mikael desk, building, roommate, plants, home

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