And on a COMPLETELY Unrelated Note:

Aug 13, 2008 05:11

1. I saw a guy when I was coming home who had super-long dreads down to his WAIST. This image shall eventually find itself in one of my art pieces. ^_^

2. MY PODCAST HAS AN INTRO!!! ^_^ It ain't perfect by any means, (I have no fancy mic or other recording equipment), but thanks to Audacity Eclectica's first intro is ALIVE, BAYBEE!! ^_^
I'm in the process of putting the full p-cast together nights, and hopefully within a short time I'll have my first podcast up & running! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
(..Can ya tell I'm excited..? ;D)

If you're inclined to take a listen, you can find my first two attempts at putting Eclectica together below. :D:D

First Evah Intro.  (I doubt I'll actually use this rough cut ON the show, but methinks it's an okay start.. no? :))
First Evah Disclaimah. ;)  (Which will at some point be followed in print and in audio by a citation of who the background music is from- which happens to be The Crime Syndicate; the recording being "Middle Eastern.")  Methinks I'll get a few more background pieces to boot, so I can switch it up a bit at times. ;D:D

Hope ya like, and thanks so much for listening! *glee*

first, eclectica, dreadlocks, podcast, disclaimer, podshow, intro

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