It's funny how things work out sometimes...

Jul 14, 2008 13:39

Over the weekend (my first weekend to just chill & get things done..WONDERFUL! ^_^) I had the chance to swim, clean some house, see my good friend Will, and just Be.  It was nice.  But one thing that bugged me seems to have come to a conclusion unexpectedly last night, and it only goes to prove (well, at least to me anyway) how the Universe works in mysterious ways.  It's no BIG deal, bug given its relevance to upcoming occassions, it item in question could indeed make a significant difference in how things go.  What happened was this:

Friday I brought home a pic I'd done a while back of a hairstyle I'd like to potentially get.  It was attached to another cute note-y thing I'd made, and the two were collectively rather important.  Well I kind of dump things down when I get home, and since I'd done so Friday I'd upended my bag while looking for something else.  So of course while I was running around cleaning house and making plans to get my hair cut Sunday, I could NOT for the LIFE of me find the bloody thing.  I looked practically everywhere, high and low, in every conceivable bolt hole that I figured it could be, or remembered it had been.  All, it turned out, to no avail.  (I realised I could've essentially recreated them both, but that was sort of beside the point.)  So despite all my nocturnal pleadings with the Divine to find the thing before I had to leave Sunday, still no notey-bit.  Bummed I recreated another one on the train and proceeded to go hang out at Potomac Mills w/my bud, Will.

We had a great time, and toward the end of the day I attempted to go get my hair done at the Bubbles there, new, readone pic in-hand.  Well I dunno what they're smoking there, but the people behind the desk weren't terribly personable, and when I asked for someone who could do an edgy style, the woman they put me with was rude, brusk, pushy (like litterally hands-on pushy), had no qualms w/yanking my head around and pulling on my hair -hardcore,- and moreover the woman didn't barely speak a -word- of English.  She had little idea of what I was trying to tell her when describing the cut I wanted, let alone to express herself aside from "you get this one!  I think you get this one..!" when we tried talking about my potential new style...   ...  :P  (I had a few different pics of one person just for an example of the general style alongside my drawings, and she kept -insisting- on cutting the one style that I liked the absolute -least.-)  Then she asked me about color in a kurt 3 word phrase, and when I told her what I'd been thinking she just stared at me for a moment, then went to go get a color board so she could try and convince me to get dark brown done all over w/red highlights- not only super-expensive given my hair length- but absolutely NOT what I was asking for.  *shakes head & rolls eyes*  Sheesh!!!  Plus Will was -all kinds- of put-off by the employees & their bad attitudes (including my stylist).  So needless to say after struggling w/this oman I told her "no thank you" and extricated myself from the stituation as quickly as physically possible- irritated, frustrated and frankly, no a little angry.

Well to make a long story less long, despite this one issue, we had a good rest of the day, and although I di8dn't get everything I needed to done, I had a great time.  I got home okay (obviously) and even had some time to chill watching Dante's Cove at the end of the evening.  So waht does all this have to do w/that one little snippet of a drawing?  Well as I was gathering myself up to go to bed, I stretched my left arm out & laid my hand on a piece of paper.  Picking it up- there was my lost-and-found drawing!!!  Just sitting there beside the couch amidst a bunch of my drawing stuff, like "hello!!"  After -all that looking, there is was, just showing up out of the blue and sudden as pie from falling antilopes.  And just then I got the distinct impression that my little drawing was hiding for a reason, and tat I found it when I was bloody-well Meant To. ;)

So now I've made reserves to go to some fancy $60 cut place in MG Mall out in Bethesday.  And even though they charge more than I've -ever- paid for a cut, I researched them on the net & they're supposed to be -great- for edgy dos, and the staff there have gotten great reviews. ^_^  Yay!  So.. that's it kids..  wish me luck!! :D:D

Hope all's well w/everyone, & have a nice day/night!!

mall, mg mall, bubbles, sucky hairdresser, will, potomac mills

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