Farts and Craps

Jun 24, 2008 13:47

Holy shit.. my boss just came in, didn't gripe at me about my work/workload, and even COMPLEMENTED ME on my little wooden kitty sillhouette that I've got sitting up on my desk in here!!  O.O  (She gushed over it for a bit.. and even said repeatedly that it was "neat." O.O!)  I figgered since he didn't get sold at the craft fair, I oughtta bring him to work and see if he could possibly sit on my door or desk here. ^_^  .He doesn't fit between the moulding and the wall's outcropping, :(  but I've got him on my desk sitting beside the fax machine, so.. coo. ^_^

And speaking of the craft/arts fair, it went pretty well!  I met lots of cool people, got passed by by a TON of others, but I had a good time all-in-all, 'n I made $110!  Enough to cover either the cost of the gridwall I bought for the occassion (and others in future), OR the entry fee into the fair twice over- but not both.  ;)  Regardless, I'm tickled I made that much (as some people didn't make hardly -any- sales), n' can't wait to hear back from some of the people I met, spoke to, & gave cards out to there. ^_^  I met a few people all excited about getting some commissions done, one crazy person who talked to me about aliens and government conspiracies, some wicked-cool fellow crafters, and even a writer who's got stuff on Amazon- who does horror and fantasy novels. :D:D  (Her name was Something "Ward," but I can't remember quite what her full name was...  I'll have to go to Amazon.com sometime and try to look her up.  :)  She bought THREE of my pieces, all unframed prints, n' secretly I'm kind of hoping she might turn one of them into a book cover, or call/write and ask me to do one for her. ^_^)

Mom helped me out a TON settnig up & tearing down, n' I dunno what I would've done w/o her.  She helped me get to and from, set up my tent, as well as my gridwall while I set up the rest of my display.  We didn't get fully set up until like eleven though- since even though the fair started at nine, they let us know AS WE ARRIVED that the county wouldn't let us have the tent where we were.  So like every other artist in that area, we pitched a fit and got moved into a place where we COULD have shade.   So moving and waiting to work out the movind delayed us, but once we got set up at last, all went just fine. ^_^  Mom had to go during the breadth of the day because of previous engagements, so I manned the booth solely throughout the day.  The tent was SUCH a blessing as it was hot as HECK, & even with those few snaffoos, we kept cool (for the msot part) & had a great, great  time, to boot.   I got some cool ideas/contacts/links for future, too. ^_^

Wanna see my boof?  I was SO happy w/my display!!  (It looks MUCH more profesional now that I've got the gridwall & velvet jewelry displays. ^_^)  Whadda you think? :D:D


Plus my Red Hat Ladies print was the first thing to go. ^_^  So I snagged another print and reframed it by replacing it with another, less-noticed piece.  Otherwise I'd have a big hole in my display...  So this is what the replacement looked like- after I side-barred it with some Red-Hat-inspired jewelry to go alongside it. ^_^

(Plus now that this is done, n' I cleaned my rat cage Sunday night, I don't have anything To Do after I get home at night.. whish is a good thing, too!  ;D)

Yay selling art!! :D:D

Cheers & Hugs,

art, arts and crafts, art in the park, alexandria, art show, craft show

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