May 05, 2008 12:56
Happy Cinco de Mayo, everyone!!! I wish had somethin' to do/someone to go out with tonight to celebrate, but in lieu of that I think I might just buy a bottle of wine, go home and crank up my stereo w/some of the best of my Latin music collection. ^_^ (I bet my neighbors across the hall who're Latino and don't speak much English are gonna think I'm far from my home, too w/the way I'm gonna get happy w/my tunes AT LAST/FOR ONCE. ;D:D)
Anyone else gonna celebrate?
And this weekend was good, too. On Sat. I took my ratty-boys to the bet n' found out they seem healthy. ^_^ (Shad's been sneezing, but the doc said to keep a watch of it and only call if it keeps up or gets worse, as ratties can get lung infections easily- to which we'll have to give them both anti-biotics, since often what one gets, the other will, too.) For a trad. precaution he gave me de-wormer to give them both for 4 days since this was their first appointment to a vet, too. ..Last night was tough on both of them AND me 'cause I had to give their meds to them, though. (They have to be scruffed n' held w/their face skin pulled back so they open their mouths for me to shoot the wee syringe in.) So tonight I think I might try spiking a treat for them and being sure they each get the proper dose that way. I know I need to have more interaction w/them so they get more used to being handled and learn not to be afraid around me, but I don't think traumatizing them 5 days in a row is a good way to do it... So treats, rubbies n' meds should do the trick I think. :):)
Later that day I chilled, then went to the nearest Bally's w/a pool, n' had a lovely time s'immin' in their lap pool, and then chilling with my latest book beside it while I waited for MA to come. :):) I was a little bummed they didn't have a larger pool w/a non-laned area, but hey.. they have a saun, whirlpool AND water for me to play in, PLUS I got in free, so I ain't bitchin' 'bout it. ;D:D
Sunday I got up early to go shoot on my friend's film project. I was buggin' at first 'cause I thought I'd been screwed out of getting there on time by MA AGAIN, (they've never gotten me to his filming on time ONCE) but the driver who finally came n' picked me up BOOKED, so I got there w/even a few mins. to spare. ^_^ Makeup and filming went well, n' I came home and just -crashed.- I tried not to, but like the day before after coming home from swimming I was just --exhausted.-- I fell asleep on the couch, and later woke up to feed my furries, give the boys their meds (ouch.) and clean their cage full-over. :):)
All in all it was a pretty great weekend. I got to rest and -still- got stuff done. ^_^
So.. what about yours?
OOH, and anyone else gonig to see the Cure on Friday?? They might still have a few tickets leffffft! :D:D *tempt tempt*
Ne E Wei, night, all!
Happy Fifth of May!! :D:D
cinco de mayo,
the cure,