Yay! Someone bought my cage! :D:D

Apr 10, 2008 13:29

We'll see how getting paid for it and getting it out of my house goes... ;)

Went to Karma last night at Lotus and had a decent time- (although I missed the free sushi n' champagne.. :IIII).  It's a SUPERPOSH club, and I'm ticked they're having Karma there from now on. ^_^   (..I dressed up in 80's goth gear w/makeup and all last night, 'cause they said that was the vibe on the flyer, but I guess they just meant the MUSIC, 'cause like NO ONE was in similar getups.. so..   yeaahh.. I was kind of embarrassed... O.O  I looked cute though.. so it was n't all that bad... ;D  Check out the new icon above for the pic of me I took last night/this morning after coming home at oh-god-thirty in the morning... ;):))

I've been asked so sing at my cousin's wedding on the 19th. ^_^ O.O  *EEK!  Got to prepare!!!  -Clothes as well as repertoire! :-\)  Yaaay Matty, my favorite male cousin! :D:D;D  (His fiancé Amber is a honey, too. :):))

And I'm going to Margaret tomorrow night. ^_^   Again, anyone wanna come with?  I think they still have tickets. :):)
Ooh, and speaking of my cousin's wedding, I can bring a guest.  Anyone wanna accompany me?

Anyhoo, I gotsta run.  End of my lunch break and all... :(((  
I am DEAD tired from just staying up the few hours left in the a.m. last night, for fear I wouldn't wake up in time for work.  So..  trudge trudge..  Mmm.. Zombie Nae...!! ;D:D

Hope all's well w/everybody!!

lotus, singing, karma, wedding, amber, margaret cho, solaries, matty

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