I Hurt

Jan 07, 2008 13:21

Yeah.. that kitty pretty well describes me right about now... ;)  
I am feeling SO broken today. ;\
Plus I was a dork and forgot to reserve MA, so I got to walk to the bus, take regular PT to work, and get to do the same all over again to get home. :P:P (I know, I'm a dork. S'all my own fault. I know. ;))

I had a BREAT weekend, though. ^_^ I got to spend time w/
flameofsilver , I saw Jen and Chris Thursday night, signed my lease on Sat., went to do a quick camera thing on a li'l movie I'm helping out with, had dinner at the yumtastic Bennigans, (MMMM, GUINESS SAUCE!!! ;D) and Sunday I got to give gifts out to friends at my D&D game, (they all seemed to dig their gifts, too! :D:D), and followed that up with going to the L-Word 5th season premiere at Town DanceBoutique. (Which is a -kickass- club in DC that all folks in the area should TOTALLY visit. ;D:D)

So why do I hurt, then..?? Well first off I had a BUSY weekend w/-very- little sleep included. Then I stood in a line for an hour+ that wrapped around the block, danced a TON and stood --all night,-- then stood more for another hour or so waiting for MA after the event. All told it was a BLAST. I danced first as usual- embarrassing the crap out of myself amidst a HUGE crowd (couldn't resist the music), boogied w/some strangers @ the end of the night, got some cool free bits upon leaving, and had an all-around good time. ^_^ Problem is- I got home LATE, hadn't eaten all day so I stayed up a while longer to scavenge for food & eat, and then I ---crashed.--- Now I'm -completely- sacked out, (haven't slept more than four hours a night in the past week), I have no food w/me 'cause I didn't have time to snag anything, (NEEDED to shower after last night), and as for my feet... Well... Ow.

I repeat: Ow.  ...  ;)

I hope everyone else had a rockin' weekend, and that soon I can tell folks I got my new place all squared away, give everyone my new address, and have my kitties and my ratties all back together in one nice, big, fuzzy family. ^_^ I move in this weekend, and frankly, it can't come soon enough. ^_^

Love Love Love Love Love to All,

game, dancing, will, pain, premiere, feet, apartment, hurt, chris, l-word, gifts, jen, christmas

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