Title: Calling a Truce: Water Sports
Authors: Destinyawakened and MJLS
Rating: pg-13
words: 3400
Pairings/Characters: Tony Stark/Bruce Wayne
Summary: a simple boat outing turns into a run from the paparazzi
Warnings: spoilers for Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and Iron Man
Disclaimer: We don't own or claim to own the characters or settings
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I will say what I mean by touching on other comic related characters and not giving them too much or just hopping over them a bit, really shows in the coming chapters (starts at twelve I believe) where we touch on the whole Civil War events of the Marvel Universe. We didn't quite flesh out some characters as much as we should have. But as you said, its a pairing fic, there really isn't a need to drag out what isn't adding to the fic, which is what we thought when we did it.
We had a lot of chances to just make every chapter NC-17 rated, but we stopped ourselves because that's not what we wanted this to be. We wanted this to be a variety of crack, romance, relationship, family and angst, etc... not just one genre that people would get bored with quick.
This could easily be a book. Calculated the word count today and we're at 110,000 words. And who knows when we'll be done.
Well happy holidays! And you'll have a nice gift of fic when you get back! :)
I'll be waiting for the upcoming chapters, what I've read until now shows me that you clearly do a great job, and I have no doubts that someone would be left too vague in the upcoming chapters :)
- That was the best solution, in my opinion, since you've written so much. It would get boring if in every chapter they'd be all around theirselves doing nothing more but fucking.
Holy shit, that's a lot! A big applause is in order n.n
- Thanks, and merry Christmas for you too!
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