i get more scared handing in my overtime request form than walking down a catwalk in my underwear
Skitzest thing happened last night
Yolanda, Emily, Hannah and I had to go in the bedroom modelling contest
Cause apparently Charlie the promo manager couldn’t get anyone else to enter it
So we did it and there were 8 other people in it
Charlie a fuckwit he promised free drinks all night... i got one
and $100 for entering.... we got a $5 bottle of wine
So we had to walk in our swimwear and underwear, my songs were flaunt it and grillz
So gross
Slightly funny
I was quite tipsy
Anyway while we were backstage this guy got naked and was running around in our changing room… he got in through a fire escape… he was sooooo gross
Anyway security finally came (after about 15mins) and removed him to the street, barefoot and naked (and without his wallet)
Then they locked the fire escape door
All his stuff was inside still
Hahaha so he was naked roaming the streets of surfers
Charlie eventually gave him just his shoes
Cause he wouldn’t stop banging on the door
i don't care that i did it... i mean pfft whatever
it's not a big deal to me
it's very hard for me to get embarrassed
especially about stuff like that
i just don't like... actually i fucking hate charlie for lying to us to get us to do it and harassing hannah all day about us doing i... it's just fucked
charlie is a nasty piece of work... i saw that from day 1
he flirts with pretty, naive, innocent girls and manipulates them to get what he wants
i told hannah not to get caught up with him
he had a girlfriend that i knew about and he was putting the moves on hannah at the same time (and god knows how many other girls!!!)
and so i told her to use him for all that he was worth
guys are losers
i had to deal with my own situation last night as well
your kidding yourself?
i mean what the fuck is that about.. (and that's exactly what i wrote) you don't know shit
i know what i saw
get the fuck out of my life you loser
i am over it