so sleepy
i wish i was out tonight, out in brisbane... bec and lisa have got me skitz excited about going out to the depot and seeing all the hotties
i think i am going to fishos tomorrow night
i don't know
everything is weird
i think it's because i need sleep
i have hott photos on my mysparce had fam dinner with karte and simo in broadbeach on wednesday
we laughed
simo was retarded
we ate
much fun... i don't know what i'd do without our weekly fam dinners
thursday simey and i hit up dreamworld
it was a good day
sunny no lines
plenty of laughs
went on all the rides
i got hurt on the dodgem cars (my knee got bruised!)
but the worst ride was the deep sea probe... it goes around and around and around and spewsville
it made simey and i sick
and so that was the end of our day
had a peaceful evening
didn't end up going out
friday slept in... tried to study
chris and i ended up having a skitz war
i won
i whipped his arse good
but then i had to clean up the stupid "cheese snacks" that i had poured over chris in defence.
simey bought me sushi
i fell in love
i arrived at my exam late, because he drove the shit way
but it was all good
i even finished early
he picked me up... payback for all those years
came home, bailled up the coast
picked my julie up and went to southport to get ready
was running late to dinner at howl at the moon
larry emdur was sitting at the table next to us and fourty year old hussies kept saying "like oh my gosh it's larry!!"
some drunk fell off her chair
had champaz and cocktails before barlin
went to the avenue and danced with the very gorgeous lisa and bec
then we went to the party for cheap drinks and good times
adm and i celebrated international emo day
although i think i annoyed him cause i kept hugging him
saw jules, courts, brendo, hailey and jamie
spent most of the time dancing with bec and lisa
until bec was too drunk and so she had to leave
we put her in a taxi and she went home
went to cocktails and danced
went to mybar and danced
went to hollywood showgirls
and discussed how they danced
they're not doing pole dancing lessons there anymore! :(
came home
annoyed chrissy for a bit
went to sleep
woke up at 10:30
loitered around aus fair
saw hooksey
came down to pottsville cause i hadn't been on the net in aaaages
so so so tired
time for some serious sleep