Jan 08, 2010 10:36
So, our apartment has been nice but not perfect for a while.
Excellent housemates
Fabulous water views
Nice layout
New kitchen appliances
Space for plants on the deck
We're already all moved in and dog is used to it
Double shower head in bathroom
More rent than we want to pay for 1 1/2 bedrooms, and landlord wants to increase
Not really much storage
Unresponsive landlord (unfixed roof leaks since October)
Cold-ass office/guestroom (w/in 10 degrees of ambient outside temp if you close the door overnight - even *with* a space heater)
Slightly annoying parking situation
No actual laundry
Deck is too cold to ever actually hang out outside
We'd discussed moving when the lease is up in May, but the inertia of already having moved is powerful. BUT. Craigslist today had a house down the street up for rent. With more room. And laundry. For a lot less than we're paying now. A LOT. As in, even if we eat four months of rent here we STILL come out ahead after a year. Low as in, what's wrong with this place?
Possible downsides:
Old house, maybe with veneer of remodeling
Laundry room may be a foul pit
Dicey history - landlord sold place, buyer defaulted, landlord may want to try to sell the place again soon
It's being mobbed by people, so even if it's perfect there's not a great chance of us getting it
I want this place to be perfect.
But I don't want to lose it if it's perfect.
I'd like to stick it to our current landlord.
But I don't want to trade one flaky landlord for another.
It'll be easier if it's not perfect and so not even a possibility.
But then I'm still living with the imperfections of our current house.
Unsurprisingly, there's been a tidal wave of reaction to it. I talked to the landlord at 9 this morning, and he sounded stunned at the response. Open house at 11:30 this morning. I will be there, with a camera, friendly intro letter with contact info, and notepad. Hell, I'm willing to pay the man some money to not rent it until Mike sees it.
UPDATE: Place only available for 6 months max. For sale with restaurant behind it; part of restaurant's legacy. So it's not perfect. Ah well.