I've been a bit dead on the interwebs lately, occasionally surfacing to exude podfic and forage for fic. It's due to a number of reasons. Uni, illness, EXAMS = D:
Plans for future:
1 - J2 BB scrapped. I just did not have the time. Maybe next year. Or, I'll recycle the story I planned out for
merlinbb_rpf, which I still plan on doing (it being held at a more
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I know a lot of people find RPF a bit weird and, tbh, so did I at the beginning. I think I got into the fandom because Merlin itself was having an explosion of fic and things and it was all a bit overwhelming. RPF, by contrast, was a lot smaller and easier to handle. I think the most important thing to remember, when writing or reading, is that you are ultimately writing about characters, not real people. I don't actually know Bradley James (much to my despair), so I don't actually know what he's really like - I'm writing something that's as much a part of my imagination as any fanfiction, really. Also, I never write porn. I mean, I never do that anyway, but I don't think I'll EVER write porn for RPF. That'd be odd D:
Official last uni commitment is on the 14th :D Woo, module selection, then freeeeedom!
Merlin fandom can still be a bit overwhelming to me at times! (It would probably help if I watched all those episodes I've missed. Hurm.) I am willing to try reading RPF, and have even dipped a toe in once or twice. But I feel guilty for fetishizing real people. :( I think you're right in that I just have to think of them as characters, not real people. Very true! (However, as you've seen, I always write porn. Always. X_X Why is my brain so dirty akduhiwhdjoijl.)
Ahahahaha! AMAZING. (However, I lose points for spelling it 'Toons'. In my defence, I was on my thirty-minute break at work when I wrote that, and the bakery was effing insane today.) It was actually the FIRST thing I thought of, too! :D :D :D Definitely telepathy.
Freedom so soon! Do you stay in Wales over the summer, or go back to England? I'm so pleased to be done school for this semester. I did pretty all right, too, so yay! :D
Merlin fandom is HUGE. Generally, I only ever read things if they've gotten recced somewhere (Merlin has now transcended into a family-watching show, like Doctor Who. I swear, it's the only thing we watched all together this year, apart from the royal wedding). I just enjoy RPF because it enables different authors, different stories. Like how J2 means authors who don't like wincest can still write. My favourite bit, though, is how RPF characters are generally characterised in a completely different way to the character they play, which after you've read 50 stories of clumsy!Merlin and noble!Arthur, that's kind of a breath of fresh air.
And I still can't screw up the courage to write porn. I've tried, really I have, but always get to the scene, stare at the blinking cursor for half an hour, then give up and write some introspective drivel about Eames's childhood. It's not natural, I swear.
Is it actually spelt 'Toons'? I have no idea! They never show any kind of title card here, I think. Maybe they just show the warner bros title card and play the tune... It is well weird, you picking up on that, jeez. Please do not be thinking that this is some sort of cracky looney tunes/toons au! (Me, write comedy? BAHAHA) No, it's more like an extended metaphor *evil grin*
Yay, freedom! Nah, I'll go back to London for summer :) See the family, eat a balanced diet, get a decent amount of sleep. I'm pleased you did well this year! Go you! I've got my first exam on monday - should be fine as long as Ecudorian poverty comes up :D
I find big fandoms intimidating in general unless I've got a method for dealing with the MASSIVE INFLUX OF FIC being pumped my way. Tag searching functions or rec lists or something. Because otherwise, I'm like O____O HOLY CRAP SO MUCH FIC. AND A LOT OF IT IS BAD. WHYYYYYYYY.
A lot of your descriptions of why RPF is cool make a lot of sense! I will have to dunk my toe back into some fandom's RPF pool and see if I like the water. (Woah, that metaphor went on tooooo looooong.) The feeling of 'same old, same old' definitely comes up in Merlin fandom, but also Inception and Sherlock, I find. Not so much with really good fic -- because really good fic will always find a way to be awesome. But sometimes, it's like "oh, yay, another fic with snarky!Sherlock and putupon!John". So that makes sense to me!
<3 <3 I love whatever you write, bb, porn or no porn! :D
I rather imagined it would be an extended metaphor, actually. It had me envisioning Arthur chasing Eames all over the world. Packing and dangerous and collected, and completely besotted. :D It is spelled 'Tunes', I believe.
Oh my goodness!! Best of luck on your exam... today? (Stupid time difference.) YOU WILL KICK IT IN THE FACE!
Total sympathy on the fic front. I think that's probably another of the reasons why I love mini-fandoms like Narnia, because there's not such a landslide to choose from.
I have actually had extended conversations with my bezza on the subject (because we are cool like that). I do think there are difficulties - I sincerely do not agree with the bashing of actor's partners and if I ever DO meet Bradley James irl, I'm not quite sure what I'll say to him. Possibly I might expect him to come out like how I write him, which would be a trip and a half.
But you know, sometimes fandom builds up characterisations that are completely wrong! The one that annoys me at the moment is the idea that Arthur's obsessively neat and immaculately dressed, whereas if you actually watch the film, the only time his tie is straight or his collar is buttoned is in the dream, so it's more like Arthur aspires to be neat and tidy, but in the real world, he's more concerned with practicality. And he works long hours (rant over, sorry D:).
Awww, thank you! And I love everything you write, even when it forces me to tamp down on my Blaine love.
This telepathy of yours is really starting to get weird. Have you been reading my drafts over my shoulder this whole time?
Woohoo, exam today! It's in...four hours. Sustainability in a Fragile World, here I come!
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