Is it just me, or is anybody else totally confused about how these flickr and tumblr things work? I am aware that one of the latter regularly gives me access to the amazing that is Tom Hardy's face, but I'm not quite sure how, or indeed how I could get involved in such a community
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Oh no! Well, I'm sure the authors will be totally fine with the wait! I'm sure they are just incredibly stoked that you are going to podfic their work. ;D But yes, podfic is an especially trixy beast in some environments. Four housemates + piano = sounds like quite the challenge, love! D: (Also, where are you going to school in Wales, if you don't mind me asking? You mentioned earlier that Wales has been impacting your accent, too, and that got me wondering. ^-^)
:D :D :D :D AHAHAHAHA I GET A PRESENT. <3 <3 <3 I love you so much. And it's coming with drama?! Oh MAN. I am so stoked. And I know it's going to be awesome already. And I GET A PRESENT. (I am still not over this fact.) You are such a star and a total love. <3
Also, Big Bang will come. You'll write quicker once the deadline gets closer, yes, and I'm sure you'll get into a Supernatural frame of mind soon. <3 I have complete faith.
I feel really, really bad about the podficcing. Both the authors I requested were super excited about getting their work recorded, and now it's been aaaages and I'm worried they think I've forgotten :( I think I'll send them an apologetic email.
I live in Swansea atm, which is a lovely, if slightly grubby, city. I love it to pieces, except when it rains, which is quite often. And it's very, very windy (hair nightmare).
I am so excited you're excited about your present! This fic appears to be all about 'looking'. And Arthur's knees.
Big Bang will come! Gwennie's present will be finished via judicious application of Gwaine! Your present will be done! Arthur's knees!
Just wikipedia'd Swansea just now (I knew where it was, and I've been to Wales, but only Cardiff really). It looks nice! Also, rain = boo. It rains here most of the time, as well. I got my shoes all wet today. :(
Mmmmmmmm Arthur's knees... <3
The internet lies about Swansea. As it does, I suppose, about every city. Since I'm a student, who has walked every street and every alley in all hours of the day or night in various states of intoxication (except between 6am and mid-afternoon, that time is for sleeping), I think I have something of a more cynical view. It's a good student city, cheap and a bit dirty. When I finish uni, I probably won't move back to London. I'll go live in Cardiff instead, which I think is a lovely city :)
(we have now moved on from Arthur's knees and the arches of his feet to voices that are rough with sleep. It's all very exciting)
Ah, the internet. Lying about cities and showing the prettiest pictures for years. XD My city is -supposed- to be a student city. It has the 'full of students' part down, but fails at the cheap part. The amount it costs to live here is absurd. From what I remember of Cardiff, it is a lovely city. :)
Hominahomina. I haven't even read it yet, and already it's slaying me. :D
Now there are fountains. Honestly, I don't know what I'm doing to myself XD
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