Title: A Journey Without Milestones
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: S4
Summary: A heartbeat to measure it by.
Notes: A little drabble that I wrote ages ago that I planned to write into a fully-fledged fic, but didn't. I may still do in the future, sometime.
The first time Castiel sees Dean Winchester, he has already spent half a lifetime trudging through the pits and mirrors of hell, though he won't know how long that feels until he has a vessel, until he has a heartbeat to measure it by.
He spends hours, days, trying to speak to Dean, feeling an intense frustration at his failure that only seems to last a flicker of a moment in comparison to the eternity he has already lived and the one he will live.
Then Jimmy Novak says yes and Castiel has a vessel.
A heartbeat.
And every moment seems suddenly full to bursting point with time.
It is all he can do not to weep as he sees eternity stretching out in front of him.