Hello and sorry for being dead! I have no excuse, except for unpardonable laziness.
BUT, in order to celebrate my not-dead-itude, I'll be providing fandom with some (hopefully) exciting things:
1 - I have just finished recording 'Apotheosis' by
mad_maudlin (BBC Sherlock) as a podfic and it will be up very soon! Hooray!
2 - I will also be recording 'Paradisi/Inferno' by
seraphwings (SPN) as soon as I have recovered from illness (extremely excited about this).
3 - I have just finished planning out my next fic: a J2 SUPERHERO/VILLAIN AU. Working title: 'Underpants on the Outside'. Featuring such groundbreaking techniques as comedy! romance! a happy ending! ETA: Which I will probably actually write for
spn_j2_bigbang .