Jun 07, 2010 16:03

I just went to the shops for the essentials (milk, loo roll, spag bol) and, when I came back, my electronic key fob did not work. I pressed it against the reader, but it just beeped a number of times and refused to unlock the front door. I stood around for ten minutes, pressing the doorbell for every flat, but no one answered, and I had left my phone inside. Thankfully, one of the girls from flat 2 let me in when she arrived back from the chippie.

However, my life is still FUBAR because I obviously need to get the key fixed. This is hampered by these reasons:

1 - I presumably have to go to the letting agents to fix it, therefore having to leave the building and let the door lock behind me.
2 - There's no one else living in my flat and hardly anybody else in the building. This means that:
3 - There is very little chance of being let in after I go to the letting agent because:
4 - I don't know how long it will take for them to fix it and, based on their prompt-ness regarding other issues, I will probably get a new key sometime next decade.
5 - I was expecting to go out tonight, but I clearly won't be if I can't gain access to the building at stupid o'clock in the morning after a bender, and:
6 - It's raining.

ETA: Crisis averted! Wearing a short skirt to the letting agents made them provide me with a new key most expediently. On the phone, he said to bring some kind of identification, but when I walked in, he said he'd 'recognise me anywhere'. Falling on the side of creepy, that.

life: place of residence, life: mental breakdown, do i even have flatmates?

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