I'll Wear Your Black Eyes 1/1

Mar 15, 2011 09:09

 I'll Wear Your Black Eyes 1/1

Title: I'll Wear Your Black Eyes
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Pairings: Callie/Mark, mentions of Cristina/Owen, slight Meredith/Derek
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: All characters, events, settings and situations mentioned in this work are sole property of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for profit, in constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context and are not intended to be defamatory or factual in anyway.
Author's Notes: All these spoilers have me so depressed for my OTP. I needed to write this.
Summary: Sofia has been in the world for a few months now, Arizona is gone and Callie is ready for a girls night out. Sort of.

For My Megan


"God...hurry up, woman!" Cristina shouted over the high chair Sofia Sloan currently occupied. The dark haired little girl looked intently at her god mother as the woman continued to grumpily mutter and sulk. "How long does it take! We're going to Joe's for god's sake!" She sighed heavily at the ignoring silence she received in return before her eyes landed on the tiny infant, "Your mother is a whack job."

Sofia laughed, a tiny bit of carrot mush spilled smeared on her chin.

Cristina shook her head and grabbed the towel off the counter, dabbing the baby clean, "You're a mess, Sofia. A hot mess. Just like your parents."

Sofia gurgled and gibberished back, banging her spoon against the chair top.

"Yeah--I know! That's what I said!" She paused briefly and narrowed her eyes at the child as she stared back, wide blue eyes, spoon in her mouth, "You're going to be a cardio surgeon."

Suddenly, the door to Callie's bedroom flew opened and out she strolled, high waist knee length fitted skirt, green forest green stilettos--and a black lace bra, over grown tendrils falling over her shoulders.

Throwing her hands up, Cristina exclaimed, "Finally! What were you doing in there? Harvesting?"

Callie glared briefly and dropped the tee shirt in her arms on the armrest of the couch before continuing, half dressed, into the kitchen, "Something like that." She held up two bottles of breast milk before putting them in the fridge, "Pumping before I'm soaked in alcohol."


"You DRANK my breast milk in your coffee."

"It was an accident!" She said defensively, "But my bones do feel stronger."

She winked in return, "Nothing but quality in these puppies." She cupped her breasts and pushed them up slightly.

Just then, the front door opened and Mark walked in, he froze in the doorway and took in the scene beforehand, "Did you turn Yang?"

Callie's hands fell away and rolled her eyes. She kissed Sofia and returned to the living room, oblivious to Mark's blatant staring.

"If anything, I'd turn her. I'd be an amazing lesbian." Cristina replied as Callie pulled the green, cut up tee over her head and tucked it into her skirt, the neck baring her right shoulder.

"You'd be an awful lesbian." Callie replied with an apologetic smirk, "You're heartless, you lack emotional compassion for anyone and you're self centered--oh, no, that was my ex. You might be a great lesbian after all."

"I know." Cristina shrugged, mindlessly allowing Sofia to toy with her hand, "And don't ever compare me to that bitch."

"Hey!" Both parents in the room protested, glaring profusely. They had had this talk with Cristina before. No cursing.

"She's six months old! She can't understand what we're saying!"

"No cursing! No negativity!" Callie exclaimed sharply.

"She likes it. She thrives on it. Look at her." Three pairs of eyes turned in Sofia's direction and the little girl simply stared back at all of them, finally giggling as she grasped Cristina’s index finger in her tiny hand.

Mark leaned over and kissed his daughter, "She's amazing." He said proudly, then looked up at Callie to question, "Did you pump?"


Cristina looked thoughtful for a second before turning towards Mark while Callie moved around and picked up a few stray toys, "Have you tried Callie's milk?"

As he moved around the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, he replied offhandedly, "Yeah, why?"

"He drinks it all the time." Callie replied flatly from the living room, "Even though it's the main source of his daughter's nutrients, but whatever."

Cristina stared back with an indescribable look of disgust and confusion.

Mark leaned back comfortably against the counter and exclaimed, "I don't drink it by the liter or anything! I just--taste it once in a while when I feed Sofia. It's sweet and--I don't know. It's good."

"You know--" Cristina started, "--the cursing and the--" She used air quotes for the following, "--negativity? Yeah, that's going to do nothing to this kid. Hearing how her father drinks her mother's breast milk with his cereal is going to land her on the couch for the better part of her adulthood."

Mark winced, "Why are you making it sound weird?"

"Because it is!"

"It is not." Callie replied with an eye roll. "Calm your ovaries."

"Whatever." She said, gently pulling her hand from the baby's grasp before standing up and moving through the familiar apartment, "I'm going to go pee. Call the baby sitters and tell them to hurry, Mama needs to drink."

"I don't need to drink that bad--" Callie started.

"Not you, dummy. ME." Cristina cut her off before closing the bathroom door.

Callie nodded and mumbled to herself, "Of course. I haven't been out in about a year so why would this night be about me?"

"Mommy is going to get so wasted tonight..." Mark said to Sofia as he picked her up and dabbed more mashed vegetable off her face.

Callie smiled, watching as she folded a blue baby blanket. She wanted to bring up the other night. The almost kiss that happened over Sofia's crib after putting her down for a nap. Arizona was gone quickly after the baby was born. She wasn't surprised. Nor was he. Cut still. It stung. This time, however, she had Sofia. And it was so much easier, having someone she loved so much unconditionally. Mark was fixed and a proud papa very quickly as well. They spent most of their time together, with their daughter, but still, it was months before they were romantically healed enough to look at their relationship and really examine it. It happened respectively. Each figuring each other out and talking it out with people on the outside of their situation made things easily clear. Mark had found an unexpected friendship with Doctor bailey, who, in her own way, helped him--or rather made him--see things the way they really were. She’d smack him upside the head and reply with no more than three word answer. Slowly it sank in.

Callie found solace in Owen hunt and Derek Shepherd. She wasn't really sure how it happened, but Derek's overwhelming woman like need to have a child found him in her apartment every single free minute, as if he would maybe catch the virus and hence would go forth onto impregnating his wife. Cristina's title of god mother had awakened something in her and had offhandedly made comments about maybe adopting in the near future. Much to Owen's delight, and this had made him another constant visitor and babysitter of little Sofia. It wasn't long before the comradely between Callie and the two men developed into a solid friendship.

There was no doubt in either's mind that something had to be done about this thing between them. The problem was, they didn't know how or even what to do exactly. Almost two years of wearing blindfolds can really leave one side blinded.

And then, one night, after a particularly rough colic episode, while finally getting Sofia to sleep, a disheveled, nerve wrecked and worried Callie looked at Mark, holding their child, gently rubbing her back, humming a barely audible tune. And her heart felt full for the first time in a long time. She was quiet as he rocked her in his arms for a while longer after she'd fallen asleep. And as he set her down in her crib, he looked over to his left. The woman standing next to him was suddenly the only woman he wanted to spend his Saturday nights with. This was no new breakthrough, this he knew. But something fell into place that night, and in that moment, everything was perfect. It was quiet, and warm and a soft moonlight stream slipped through their daughter's bedroom window. Suddenly, he ached all over. His body ached to come closer, his hands ached to touch her, his arms to hold her, his lips to kiss her--they inched closer slowly, suddenly afraid and nervous, as if it was something new between them.

And it was. There was something heavy in the room telling them this was it. This was what they had been waiting for and didn't know it. Just as their noses grazed and he breathed her in, his pager went off.

She flinched and he moved at light speed to silence the pager attached to his hip. Looking worriedly over the crib to make sure Sofia was asleep. Other than a slight grunting sound, she remained resting.

Callie released a breath she didn't realize she had been holding and he sighed in relief. As he bounced the pager in his hand, he looked at her. "911--gotta go."

"Okay." She nodded with a smile.

"You going to be okay with her?" What he really wanted to ask was, 'what the hell just happened?', but he had no time then.

She wanted to ask the same. But she simply nodded again, "Yeah, go. I can handle it."

Now, she watched him hold Sofia in his arms again, all the love in the world in his eyes for his daughter. He was talking to her about something. She caught the end of a sentence and realized--baseball. She chuckled and shook her head. She moved towards the kitchen counter and as she slid into a stool, a quick knock on the door announced Derek and Meredith before they made their way inside, Meredith's baby bump now clearly visible, even through the loosely fitted sweater.

"Hey-hey..." Derek greeted them with a smile. A smile he had been wearing since Meredith ran into Callie's living room after using the restroom and on a whim used one of Callie's pregnancy tests, which she kept in stock now, just in case, with a pink plus sign flashed at everyone there that night.

He moved quickly towards Mark, taking Sofia from him to offer a kiss and a warm greeting, "Uncle Derek is here--" He said smugly. "I think I'm her favorite."

"Doubt it." Meredith counters, coming to offer a quiet "Hello, Sofia".

"About time, baby boom!" Cristina announced as she emerged from the bathroom, "I hope they're not paying you to baby-sit, because you are late to the job. Does not reflect well."

"Experience is their payment." Callie replied, moving around the counter to kiss her daughter repeatedly, suddenly questioning going out at all, "Bye, baby. I love you. I'll be back early--"

"No you won't--" Cristina said behind her.

"--I promise. Daddy will be back soon, too."

"No he won't--"

"Maybe I shouldn't go."

Collective protests echoed as Mark steered her out and she pouted all the way out, listing instructions and contact numbers until the door shut behind them.

Callie smiled widely and clapped rubbed her hands together excitedly as they neared Joe's, "This is it, this is my comeback. I'm so excited--" the last few words were uttered in a sing-song tone and while mark chuckled at her enthusiasm, Cristina stared at her quizzically.

Mark pushed the door open and held it so for Cristina and Callie to walk through. The smile she had been sporting quickly dissolved at a virtually empty bar, save for Bailey, Teddy, Owen, Alex and Lucy, who all turned and toasted her with their respective drinks.

"Wha--" Callie stammered, confused as they made their way in, "--where the hell is everyone? Joe--"

"Nice to see you again, Callie!" Joe greeted from behind the bar.

Callie, however, was not so enthusiastic to be there on the only night she has ever seen Joe's this empty, "What the hell is going on, Joe? Where's everyone?"

he frowned slightly, "Nice to see you too, Joe--"

"I just--I thought there would be people?"

"What are we?" Bailey piped up, "Zoo animals?"

"Yeah but--" She pouted as Mark helped her out of her jacket.

"It's Monday." Joe explained, "And there's a beer festival downtown. Free beer until midnight or something."

"Damn, we should have gone there--" Cristina said under her breath as she moved towards the bar and took the beer Owen offered.

"This round is on the house. How about that?" Joe offered amiably.

Callie couldn't help but smile, "That actually sounds great. Thanks, Joe."

"Let us drink!" Alex announced suddenly, "Joe! Shots!"

"No!" Callie retorted, much to the other's protests, "You have to ease me into it! Give me a beer--"

"Nuh-uh." He replied, reaching over the bar for the shot glass Joe handed him, then walking it over to her, "Beer before liquor, you've never been sicker. But liquor before beer--" He smiled as he handed it to her, "--baby, you're in the clear."

Mark tried to grind his teeth at the 'baby' thing. Instead, he glued his eyes to Callie along with the rest, waiting expectedly for her reaction.

She sighed and held the glass up and said quietly, "Bottoms up--" The surgeons cheered on as the liquor ran, not so smoothly, down her throat. There was a delicious burn in her belly and she blew hot air out, "Wooh--I'm warm already. Now give me a beer."

"Ah-ah-ah!" Teddy cut in, holding her hand up, "If we're going to do this, we're going to do this right. You want beer?"


"Joe, give us a round of Boilermakers."

"Now we're talking--" Cristina drummed her hands on the bar top.

One by one, seven tall glasses and seven short glasses were placed on the bar. The tall ones filled with beer, the short ones, filled with tequila.

Callie groaned as they all lined up at their corresponding drinks.

"Alright--" Teddy started, "--don't pretend you don't know how to do these. The last to finish...does a body shot off of Torres--

"Wait, what? I didn't agree to this!"

"--Ready? Dump--"

Shot glasses were quickly picked up and dumped in the beer.


Their heads were simultaneously thrown back as they gulped down the mixture of tequila and beer.

Alex was the first to finish, quickly followed by Callie and the rest. Cristina, however, poked Mark's ribs, halting the process, making him last to finish.

"That's cheating!" He exclaimed accusingly.

"Save it, baby daddy. Do your duty--" Cristina retorted, wiping her chin dry with the back of her hand.

Bailey, in the meantime, took it upon herself to deliver the punishment, presenting him with a full shot and a slice of lime, "Here you go, man-whore--" He took the offering and was left to stand awkwardly facing Callie as the group ordered more drinks and seemed to mind their own business. He chuckled nervously as she leaned back against the bar, one leg out, the other bent slightly at the knee.

She smiled and blinked back a couple of times, surprised at how quickly she was feeling the effect of the alcohol. Although, that's probably why they're called Boilermakers. Everything seems to get a little hot very quickly. "Come on--" She said softly, "--rules are rules."

He stared through heavy lids. Desire slowly coiling in his chest as he stepped forward slowly.

Her lips parted as he came nearer, her chest heaving as their knees touched and he stepped over her legs to get closer. She remained still as her acted with precision. This was something that had be done just so.

She shivered as he reached behind her and placed the shot glass on the bar top. Her hair followed. He pushed gently side before taking the lime slice and running it in a slick curving line from just bellow her ear, to where her collar bone peaked. She swallowed hard in anticipation while he reached over her shoulder and dipped his finger in the tiny bowl of salt Joe had set down moment earlier. He trailed the line of lime juice, which glistened over her skin.

She tiled her head sideways, releasing a slow, heavy breath as he dipped his head into her.

He savored the moment for a second, the smell of fresh lime against her perfume, the tiny gasp she elicited as his breath tickled her skin.

She shut her eyes and her skin quickly filled with goose bumps as his tongue licked the salt off. He pulled back slowly to empty the shot glass. His eyes trained on hers, as he sucked the lime slice dry. he seemed to smile through it. He knew exactly what he was doing to her.

Suddenly, they were them again. But different. It was freeing.

She smirked and shook her head.

"That looks fun. I want to try." Cristina said quickly nudging Mark aside.

"Oh god--" Callie winced, then gasped as Cristina pulled the collar of her shirt down and placed the shot glass in her cleavage, "--Cristina!"

"Hold that shot still!" The shorter woman ordered. Bailey laughed her ass off beside her.

Laughing anxiously, Callie held her boobs just so, to keep the glass from tilting, wincing a little with nerves as Cristina licked her shoulder, wrapped her lips around the shot glass and knocked it back, holding her arms up proudly. "Yes! Who's next!"

Alex started forward and Mark considered decking him, until Callie quickly replied with, "It's MY turn! Get on that bar--bitch..."

Obligingly, Cristina hopped on and laid back on bare top, "Do what you want. You're the party girl."

Come two in the morning and Mark is practically carrying a laughing, drunken Callie into their building. He's got an arm around her waist, her jacket hanging off the other, while she grips a half empty bottle of tequila in her hand.

"Come on, tipsy. We'll get you to bed."

"Wait." She stopped, dead in her tracks and he looked over as she looked over at him, she pouted, "I don't Sofia to see me like this. Can you make me some coffee?"

He smiled and leaned over to kiss her forehead, "Yeah. Come on. We'll go to my apartment."

"Okay, thank you."

She's able to stand on her own when they step inside. The earlier riotous buzz she felt has somehow settled into a fairly quiet one. He moves around the kitchen in silence as she sets her bottle down and watches him intently. A million different things are running through her head. Different things she could say or do at this moment. But she seems to be short of words.

"Mark--" She starts softly as she moves around the counter. Suddenly, she flashes back to the night that was the start point of creating Sofia. Only that night, she was sad and lonely and this time--this time was different.

"Mmhmm?" He responded as he finished setting up the coffee maker.

"Mark, pour me a drink."

"Five minutes. Coffee will be done."

"Okay, but while that happens, pour me a drink."

He turned around and was met with very serious brown eyes. Serious and quickly sobering.

"Please--" She looked at him imploringly as she slowly slid the tequila bottle closer to the edge of the counter.


"Because suddenly I don't feel so drunk and I want to do something I'm too scared to do sober."

There was a pause. The coffee maker dripping softly in the background. He turned and grabbed to glasses from the cabinet, then turned back and handed her one. He grabbed the bottle and twisted it open, pouring the contents into both their glasses. They clinked them together and downed the drink swiftly. Once the glasses were down, she reached over grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him forward. Not that he needed to be forced.

Their lips were surely bruised within the first clash of lips.

Her back arched against the edge of the counter, forcing her body to bend at an angle, his followed. A soft grunt escaped her at the weight of him against her, but she welcomed it. She wanted to be crushed. To feel the full extent of it. She fisted one hand into his hair, while the other slipped around to push at his lower back he wiped the counter clean with one sweep of his arm and hoisted her onto the countertop. Callie's empty shot glass, salt and paper shakers and a couple of Sofia's toys went flying onto the floor.

Cradling her face in his hands, he pulled back. Blue eyes met chocolate brown ones in question--slight apprehension--but with so much love. Lips were parted and breaths were heavy, skin tingling with anticipation.

"I don't know if we should do this while you're drunk--I don't want you to regret this."

"Trust me, I could drink that entire bottle and still I couldn't be drunk right now." She smiled softly as she combed her finger's through his hair, raking her nails against his scalp, "I stopped regretting anything when Sofia was born. I don't regret this. It's the only sure thing."

He breathed out swiftly and pressed his forehead to hers, eyes closed as he took in the meaning of her words. It was a good thing. It was long overdue. He wanted to savor the starting point for a moment longer. He pressed his lips to her cheek, lingering there in a hard kiss before slowly trailing lower to kiss her jaw, her ear--her neck. He touched her over her clothes. But he took his time now. He kissed the shoulder laid bare for him where her shirt slipped as his hand roamed over curves, tracing every inch he'd touched before.

Her eyes drifted shut and she sighed at the feeling. There was something beautiful about the way he touched her. He knew every spot that made her quiver. He knew where to kiss, how to touch and mold her breasts against his palms to create a slow build up until she was hyperventilating and the twinge between her legs became painful.

She felt weak. Like a rag doll, being held up only by his mouth laving over her skin. She panted her his name and said, "Please--" What she was pleading for, she wasn't entirely sure. But she needed more of what he was doing to her.

They quickly found themselves on the large island counter. He never appreciated the design of his apartment until that moment.

One leg hooked over his hip, hands busy, working at his belt, she yelped as her bare skin landed on the cold marble. She laughed as his pants came undone and as she pushed them down, she exclaimed, "This thing is so cold--"

He chuckled, thrusting his hips forward as he leaned down to kiss her, "I have a bed. We can move there."

"Second round, I promise. I don't have much--" She grunted and bit down on her bottom lip as he rubbed himself against her, "--patience at the moment." She arched her neck and moaned at the ceiling as he slipped swiftly inside her.

"--okay seriously, guys, we're tired over--oh god!"

Snapped their heads towards the front door, where a shocked and embarrassed Derek struggled with keeping his eyes covered and finding the door he'd just closed, "There are locks for a reason!" He called over his shoulder before quickly leaving the apartment.

Mark looked down at Callie, who stared back wide eyed and mouth agape. They quickly burst into laughter.

"Oh--my god..."

Mark shrugged, "He'll get over it."

She giggled against his mouth as they resumed kissing.

Across the hall, Derek walked back into Callie's apartment, where Meredith sat on the couch, baby Sofia asleep on her chest.

"You might as well get comfortable--" He told her as he headed for the kitchen sink and threw cold water over his face.

"What happened?" Meredith asked quietly.

As he dabbed his face dry, he replied, "You know, you see things in your life that as horrible as they are, you kind of get used to them being part of your everyday life. Blood and guts, open skulls--Mark and Torres having sex--but then some of those things stop and then your life is kind of okay. And then the day comes when it happens again and it's as horrifying as the first time it happens--"

A soft smile played on her lips, "They're back together?"

"God yes. It was like a Nam flashback--"

"At least they had the decency to do it across the hall--"

"Decency--" He scoffed, "--we'll see how long THAT lasts."



mark/callie, mark sloan, callie torres, fanfiction

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