As Long As You Stand By Me 1/1
Title: As Long As You Stand By Me
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Pairings: Meredith/Cristina
Prompts: Meredith/Cristina, twisted sisters
Rating: PG 13
Disclaimer: All characters, events, settings and situations mentioned in this work are sole property of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for profit, in constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context and are not intended to be defamatory or factual in anyway.
Author's Notes: Drabble. Requested by
ubiquitousmixie .
Summary: As straight forward as they have always been able to be with each other, this--THIS--between them has never been something they talk about.
For Megan
Heavy breathing fill the room. Panting breaths escaping through kissed--bruised--lips pointed at the ceiling, eyes tired, stare up at the fan rotating lazily to create a soft breeze against their bodies, which are coated with a light sheen of perspiration. They rest apart. It's a hot day in Seattle and the desperate grinding, pulling and pushing has left them tired and with no need for any sort of contact with one another.
"What do I do?" Cristina asks suddenly, her voice raspy as her throat is dry from the cries of pleasure from only seconds before.
Meredith turns her head in the brunette's direction. Only slightly though, because she's been working all night and for that and additional reasons, her body is sore up to her neck. her hair is fanned over the pillow she's tucked underneath her head and she licks her lips before asking, "About what?"
"I don't know--" She shrugs slightly. As straight forward as they have always been able to be with each other, this--THIS--between them has never been something they talk about. It just is what it is and it does not need to be addressed. But now it's different. Now they have husbands. Meredith has a husband and Cristina has a husband and there are things you don't do after you have a husband. So she makes it about her husband, "--me and Owen. We're married now. What am I going to do about him?" Her heart is still beating erratically and she subconsciously places her palm over it, the thump-thump drumming softly against her touch.
"You love Owen." Meredith states obviously. "Right?" And while she wishes things were different sometimes, the fact of the matter is--they just aren't. And this is the only way.
"Well, yeah. I married the guy."
Meredith nods.
"And you love Derek." A beat, "Right?" She asks as she turns her head and their eyes meet.
There's a pause before the blonde replies, "Yeah."
"So nothing has to change."
"No. Nothing has to change. Everything is the same."
They bask in each other another couple of hours, because their husbands are on call anyway and it's their day off. And in here it's safe. It's just the twisted sisters.