Apr 30, 2011 03:04
- 07:34:51: I just watched a couple internet clips and William is so adorkable. "You guys! You guys! I just got married, you guys!"
- 08:00:46: RT @cleolinda: RT @marcusgilmer: RT @ Slate Tornado outbreak now the worst US natural disaster since Katrina: http://slate.me/m8ZWnN
- 08:04:41: RT @fuggirls: Odds Kate sat down Pippa and Harry separately and ordered them not to hook up tonight: 5-1. Odds they will anyway: even mo ...
- 08:09:36: RT @fuggirls: The Bishop's eyebrows are AWESOME. He looks like he might moonlight at Hogwarts - J
- 08:39:17: Where was my uniformed wheelchair-pusher when I broke BOTH my ankles. This chick only broke her leg. PLEASE. http://bit.ly/k4EnMm
- 09:15:40: The long skinny necklace was a good idea in theory but in practice, I keep having to dig it out of my cleavage.
- 09:17:21: RT @popurls: The queen's outfit at the wedding reminds me of someone... someone... ssssomebody ssstop me! http://pop.is/2jsu9
- 09:37:08: Best part of today's singing Eddie Izzard. "Got a gran coat on, got a cake on my head. Cause I'm the Queeeen who lived forever. Never died."
- 10:47:53: The #RoyalWedding seems to have killed Go Fug Yourself. Poor @fuggirls. I hope they're sleeping.
- 11:56:43: COSTUMING ALERT: Damsel in This Dress has a selection of corsets on super sale. $40 CORSETS. http://bit.ly/iqBpc8
- 12:20:57: RT @innaj: Am officially tired, not of coverage of royal wedding, but of complaints about coverage of royal wedding.
- 12:21:08: RT @foresthouse: A vote for me is like a vote for whiskers on kittens! :D Vote for me & RT this link, and YOU could win a prize! http:// ...
- 15:43:12: Win a #free flight! Follow @ Orbitz & RT this msg to enter - Erin #giveaway http://t.co/p63UIMq
- 15:46:13: Watching the Royal Wedding. On DVR. Don't judge me.
- 15:53:35: TLC pre-show. "Spectacular hats there. What do you think? Oh yes. Spectacular hats. Very spectacular. Indeed." #SpectacularHats.
- 15:56:58: They've been talking about hats for 20 minutes but not a word about the man wearing brown plaid pants with a matching sweater vest.
- 16:00:12: The trees are just beautiful.
- 16:04:43: This Hat Man's hat is SEE THOUGH.
- 16:08:09: Perhaps the best thing about today is that today is the day when everyone in England gets drunk.
- 16:09:46: Chelsey! It's a Royal Wedding! BRUSH YOUR HAIR.
- 16:44:25: All cathedrals should have trees. The live green against the stone is so beautiful.
- 17:19:41: Just from what I've seen from the Royal Wedding, London might be the most beautiful city in the world.
- 18:05:37: The wedding's starting! *Eats Hershey's Kisses, tries to pretend she's not a sap*
- 18:26:51: You know a wedding ceremony is SRS BIZNESS when the bride and groom need to pull up a couple chairs.
- 18:31:08: This choral music is some good shit. #Sincere
- 19:47:41: Rupert Everett is a viscous bitch. He also does not like hats.
- 19:55:18: People are shocked Fergie wasn't invited? REALLY? She SOLD ACCESS to the Royal Family. WHAT DID YOU EXPECT?
- 19:59:29: WOuldn't it be funny after all this talk of THE KISS Kate and Wills were like, "Thanks for coming, guys. Bye!"
- 20:04:48: I love that William tries to be I IS A SRS PRINCE but really he's just a huge dork.
- 20:09:33: I would totally believe that William has a Dungeons & Dragons group that meets every week in the basement of Kensington House or something.
- 20:11:42: Also on TLC: Ivanna Trump because OH WHY NOT.
- 20:15:42: RT @foresthouse: YOU GUYS if we get to 1190 votes by midnight I'll do TWO prizes. VOTE VOTE? http://bit.ly/gvq2fY
- 20:16:37: Why I am pushing @ foresthouse in that contest? Because she does a lot for comics (which I don't read) and Discworld (which I do).
- 20:18:08: People are saying Stanley Tucci for Cinna and Lenny Krravitz is a mystery but I want Tucci for Snow and Kravitz for Cinna.
- 20:28:48: Got home at 3:15. It's now 8:30 and I have just finished watching the Royal Wedding.
- 21:06:10: Hate that my contacts crash. Haaaaaaate.
- 21:40:12: Star Wars PSAs http://t.co/IOqwXrA via @CollegeHumor
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