Calzona Cohabitation: discussion

Mar 24, 2010 20:15

Yeah, I'm anxious about 6x18 (still no promo photos??) and going out of my mind. I even had a dream about Callie and Arizona last night! It was like a whole episode about them. The specifics are fuzzy now, I just remember the ending before I woke up was that same scene setting from the sneak peek and Arizona says "I want to have babies too" lol ( Read more... )

ga: speculation, ga: discussion

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brokkie87 March 24 2010, 19:27:24 UTC
I am pissed we didn't get the pics yet. I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't released at all this time. has that ever happened again? So yeah GREAT thread!

I really hope we get a moving in converstaion or at least 'where are we now'. because that's really revelant with their storyline right now. and maybe it could be a comprimise like you sad. I really have to reset my expectations for this episode. I think owen's storytline is gonna take a lot of time so my guess is that we don't see a lot of callie and arizona together. although I do think owina fans will be angry if arizona officially moves in and owen doesn't LOL.

I would love to see arizona decorate the apartment. epecially if they disagree on it. that would be funny. We know callie is a great cook and at leats more neat than cristina. so it would be quit funny if arizona couldn't cook( like in lots of fanfics) and would be totally messy. that would give cristina and arizona finally give something to bound over hahaha.

I guess I am in minority but I kinda hope alex and lexie develop somthing serious. they both deserve some happiness and I feel bad for little grey. she really has no good friend. and she really is the person who needs one.


addictt24 March 24 2010, 19:37:32 UTC
... although I do think owina fans will be angry if arizona officially moves in and owen doesn't LOL.

Well... Owen and Cristina are not to be compared with Calzone, right? I think moving on will be a really big deal for Cristina because it all happened kinda fast and forcy with Burke, and to be honest I don't think Owen and Cristina are there yet in their relationship. Or at least, on screen. Because we haven't seen Owen with a key yet (right?) and most of their scenes are in the hospital/in an on-call room, while Calzone spends a little more time together outside the hospital.

But I do think it would be nice to see a little confirmation & little steps in Callie and Arizona's relationship, and moving in would be a good step in my opinion. I do think they'll still be living with Cristina though, because that screams hilarious storylines. And they get to interact with other characters as well.

Pretty weird we don't have any promo photos btw. Hmm. Only 1 more day though :)


aqwxsz March 24 2010, 20:02:28 UTC
I agree about Owen and Cristina not being there yet. Remember that Cristina speech about giving pieces up of herself in her relationship with Burke? This one with Owen has to happen in her own time. Besides, they're a little unstable now with the whole Teddy thing.

Imagine this: Owen and Cristina decide to live together so they switch apartments with Mark, making him Callie and Arizona's roommate. HA.


brokkie87 March 24 2010, 20:29:01 UTC
well maybe they are not there yet but still those fans will be angry LOL. I think owe is ready but cristina isn't probably.

I think owen would find it torture being with three women. he always seemed a guys guy to me. I don't think he can handle it. but it would be funny. as much as I want arizona to move in I don't want cristina to move out.I always enjoy cristina and callie interacting.


aqwxsz March 24 2010, 20:57:18 UTC
lol yeah, just look at all the anger directed towards Teddy. Maybe the Owina fans will run out of steam by the time Arizona moves in.

Well, Cristina and Callie aren't really girly girls. If he can handle talking to Teddy about waxing, he can live with three women haha.


aqwxsz March 24 2010, 19:57:53 UTC
Good plan, the resetting your expectations thing. I should probably do that too *recalls Holidaze and Valentine's disappointment* But have to remember that other big (announced) Callie/Arizona episodes 6x05 and 6x08 did NOT disappoint. So...I'm hopeful. Really, I just want to see how that one conversation goes. It's driving me bananas. If that's satisfying, I'll be okay with not much Calzona in the rest of the eppie.

That one glimpse we got of Callie and Arizona in bed as they got paged and Arizona pushed Callie off the bed? Hilarious. I would like to see more of Arizona's quirks like that. If Callie can put up with that sort of wake up call and a messy Cristina...she's like a super patient roommate. Plus, like you said, she cooks. *sigh* I want a Callie.

Maybe it's because Arizona is so childlike and cheerful...but I do get the sense that she's the messy type. Cleaning is...not fun. But then again, she grew up in a military family, I doubt her father put up with messes. Which...actually is all the more reason that she might be messy as an adult. Is Arizona messy or not?? Gives us some answers, Shonda!! Who cares about Iraq, all we want to know is if Arizona makes up her bed in the morning :P

I think Jackson is a better fit for Lexie. Unlike Alex, he respects her and pushed her to be better even when he didn't really know her. I really think they'd be cute together.


hopelessgirl22 March 24 2010, 20:16:14 UTC
I think Arizona would be tidy. I don't think she'd be a complete slob, but I don't think she would be a neat freak, either.

I agree with the Lexie/Jackson thing! They would be super cute together. I think if they hadn't made what's her face... Reed, such a creeper, then her and Alex could have been something nice. The obviously ruined that, though. I think Alex needs some happiness too, so they need to find him a good match! Oh and I love the idea. of Mark and Teddy also!


aqwxsz March 24 2010, 20:24:52 UTC
I don't like it when EVERYBODY is paired up, so I want Alex to stay single for a while. He can find happiness in his job, focus on his career in peds. It would be strange if he fell for someone so quickly after Izzie.I've secretly always shipped Cristina/Alex though heh.

Reed needs to stand someone up at the alter, get eaten by a parking lot, get hit by a bus or get fired and leave a goodbye note...pronto.


laurenxx3 March 24 2010, 20:35:46 UTC
I want a Callie. Word!

And I have trouble picturing a messy Arizona, but you never know!

Also, I've totally thought that Lexie and Jackson should get together! That is, if I can't have Mark and Lexie together. lol.


brokkie87 March 24 2010, 20:45:43 UTC
I never really now how much calzona screentime to expect. I don't recall callie and arizona being mentioned in 6x17 spoilers but they had quit a bit of screentime. so it's very difficult to predict. large cast only 42 minutes. so my guess is 10 minutes of callie and arizona seperatly and together in scenes.

Yeah arizona pushing callie out of bed was classic.I was impressed callie was so cool about it. callie is really hardcore, she is awesome.

I think arizona being messy or neat could both make sense. Like you said you would think she was disciplined because of her family but I am still leaning to messy. She can't be perfect all the time. she has to have some flaws.

Now we are on the topic of owen. I am not really happy owen is getting such a big storyline. it's good his PSTD is back because it comes and it goes and that makes the storyline realistic. but I wish it was a smaller storyline. it's just I would rather know more about cristina's past or arizona.

I don't like or dislike jackson. I am kind of neutral on him. but I agree they would fit nicely together. the writers have given us this little rivalry(lack for better word) between jackson and alex. so maybe there will be some sort of triangle there. maybe alex feels more for lexie than he will admit.with izzie out of the picture

and anyone looking forward for mer to support alex next week. Mer is not a fav of mine but I really like how they look out for each other. like brother and sister.


aqwxsz March 24 2010, 21:11:39 UTC
10 minutes sounds about right. I just hope that most of that time is spent on scenes of them together instead of Callie/Mark and Arizona/patient story...with one scene of them together since they're supposed to be one of the big storylines.

I think they're hoping for some positive critiques in the press for this Iraq episode (Krista said they were very careful to get everything right). It fits in their whole experimenting with new things attitude. I respect that they took on such a relevant issue. It's a nice change of pace of the usual who's sleeping with whom. But, I agree that there are other characters that interest me more and I would like to know more about.

Speaking of Alex/Jackson...Am I the only one who didn't understand that 40 watt thing last episode? Can someone explain?

I'll take Mer/Alex and Mer/Cristina scenes over Mer/Derek any day


laurenxx3 March 24 2010, 21:32:51 UTC
The 40 watt thing was a lame attempt at humor... a 40 watt lightbulb is pretty dim (compared to, say, the commonly used 100 watt lightbulb)... therefore, a "40 watt" is analogous to a "dimwit." Like I said, it was pretty lame.

And I absolutely love the Mer/Cristina scenes! They are the best after Calzona, of course. : )


aqwxsz March 24 2010, 21:41:51 UTC
Ohh okay, thanks. I suspected that it was a "you're stupid" type insult. At my house, we use 40 watt lightbulbs so that's common for me...maybe that's why I didn't get it haha. Or ya know, maybe I'm just a 40 watt


lorenaf March 25 2010, 00:36:57 UTC
Oops! Thank you. I just posted the same question. :)


lorenaf March 25 2010, 00:36:14 UTC
Am I the only one who didn't understand that 40 watt thing last episode? Can someone explain?

yes, please, anyone? I didn't get it either, but you know, being foreign I thought it was something super obvious for americans, and I was just missing it cause of the tongue barrier...


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