Ok so I have been off for a qute a while. because mostly I was sad because of Sara's absence in season 13 & so practically I have nothing to post for Calzona. Now almost from the begining of Season 13 we know that Arizona is gonna get a new love interest & that honestly it brings me to post this. I don't know if anoyone still visit this site but still I wanted to give it a try...
So in the past few months I have seen two set of Calzona fans here....
CATEGORY 1: Who thinks from their mind/ are realistic/ logical & practical:
1) Now these are fans who's priority right now is Arizona's happiness.
2) None knows (Except Sara or may be Shoda) if Sara will be back as Calliope Torres yet...& that makes Arizona with no love life at the moment, so they want Arizona to have a new love interest.
3) In Grey's universe Callie is with Penny in NY & she is happy there, so they think Arizona deserve the same happiness in the love department, even if it isn't with Callie.
4) They mostly want Calzona to be the end game, though they don't mind a new romance for the moment which will allow Arizona to be happy, carefree & fun.
5) They believe one can fall in love more than once in their lifetime.
CATEGORY 2: Who thinks from their heart/ are dreamer/ hopeless romantic & believes in fairytale:
1)They want Arizona with Callie and only Callie & do not want Arizona do develop a love interest with someone else
2) They believe Sara will be back & will give Calzona a happy ending.
3) They believe Arizona need not need another lovestory to find happiness, she can get many more beautiful story line to play that can make her happy (eg. she has more degree than anyone else in the hospital & an awesome career story line won't hurt). Only the priorities need to be rearranged.
4) They believe Penny was never Callie's great love story or one true love,Arizona is, hence they want Arizona not to find another love, as when/if Sara comes back Callie and Arizona can have a beautiful reconcilation without any baggage or more drama.
5)There is only one true love one can have in a lifetime.
Now I have few questions to the fans of both the categories, so I expect when you choose your category, if you can/want to answer the following questions as well (only answer the question of whichever category you are chossing):
1) Is it that easy to root for a couple for a while & then just move on with another just like that! What I mean is if you want a love interest for Arizona at the moment & really start rooting for them & supposedly Callie comes back....won't it be wrong for this new love interest who may/may not have developed/ trying to develop a chemistry with Arizona to be left off only because now Callie, Arizona's great love is back!
2) Since as the per Grey's universe Callie is in NY living a happy life with Penny....does anyone of you root for Penny & Callie in New York too!
3) If we are real Calzona fans will it be too unrealistic to actually not root for Callie and Arizona with anyone else but each other...even if it means Arizona may have to find happiness in something else other than their love life & create a great love story in itself even if she doesn't get a lifetime with Callie (given Sara is not coming back)!
1) Can we really blame Arizona to try to find someone in her life as the reality in front of her is as clear as it can be. She has witnessed Callie making a life with someone else and even Sofia is now a part of that life. So right now she doesn't have much control over Callie's life, so all she can control is her own life & in order to do that can't she atleast try!2) When there is a still a big "IF" on Sara's return & if Sara doesn't come back at all....do we think a character like Arizona should miss the chance to have a happy love life again, given Callie is living one happy life with Penny in NY (even if we think she can be happy without a lovelife, still it is part of one's life)!
3) If we are only left with Arizona of Calzona when the show ends...do you think it's not ok to root for Callie with Penny & Arizona with someone else considering it's what they have willingly choosen for themselves and that's what make them happy!
Now now now....as I mentioned two categories there is NO RIGHT OR WRONG here & I for one knows that both set of Calzona fans do exists, so no judgement please. I'm sure some of you may find some common attributes from both the categoris or find some of that doesn't exress your pov totally.....which is ok too & I understand that, but you just have to go for the one category which you are more inclined with!
I'm open to all kind of answers, just don't be too hateful or rude to anyone.
Poll Calzona Fan from Mind or heartP.S.: Can you guess which one I fall under!