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ext_1614268 September 12 2015, 02:06:46 UTC
Those are really interesting questions that I wouldn't entirely mind the show exploring. Yeah, I could definitely live with that as the vehicle to Callie realizing she still wants & loves Arizona.

Could Arizona's 'soul searching' involve her having a moment of awareness where she realizes what Callie sees in this person? Could it then involve her showing Callie that those parts of her still exist? Because if we go WAY back, to the stuff from the PSA/website about amputees (blanking out on the name & URL), the final stage of healing is the integration of who you were before with who you are now. Callie hasn't quite seen yet that Arizona's done that.

I submit that Callie has always known that Arizona has a dark & twisty part of her (I also submit we all have one to varying degrees). And she doesn't have a problem with that. What she struggled with is the extent to which is the extent to which that part of Arizona was winning post crash, and the lack of integration of the pieces.

And Callie's mistake was thinking she could do that integrative work FOR Arizona. Nobody can do that. Nobody can 'fix' another human being. Hence Arizona's 'She's trying to fix me, and I'm trying to fix us!' to April at the April's non-wedding.


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