Thoughts on Shonda's tweet regarding why Arizona's miscarriage has not been mentioned?
I get that Arizona is super private but for the sake of character development and growth, a character needs to deal "with their shit" and be placed in situations in order to accomplished said dealing, like being being forced to talk -- through therapy, with friends, with Callie, etc.
When April lost her baby, they really missed an opportunity for the audience to be reminded of the miscarriage by showing Arizona explicitly understanding what her very good friend, April, was going through.
Hopefully posting this picture of Shonda's response tweet works:
In case it doesn't:
@JessieD1509 (to Shonda) super serious & legit question: did the writers forget that Arizona has a miscarriage? It's never been mentioned.
@shinarhimes (response) Arizona is private. She is NOT a person who would talk about her miscarriage. I know this for SURE because I created her.