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java23 March 6 2015, 17:09:25 UTC
I'm glad we finally got Calzona scenes. Interesting though that Callie had to leave the relationship in order to show compassion to Arizona. This is the most unselfish Callie we have seen and it's a shame we had to wait this long for her to show that compassion.
Sad to say, but it's more an argument for them being friends than anything else.


ap100 March 6 2015, 17:59:27 UTC
If they were still together Callie would be complaining about go without sex because Arizona was only concerned with Herman.


chenidee March 6 2015, 18:01:48 UTC
She's never been compassionate in their relationship is what you're saying?


ap100 March 6 2015, 18:27:06 UTC
Callie does not know support when the situation interferes with your life. Amputation and abortion showed that.


chenidee March 6 2015, 19:05:11 UTC
Abortion? Who? When?


ap100 March 6 2015, 19:12:50 UTC
Maybe you should watch the 10x09 again.


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ap100 March 6 2015, 19:26:41 UTC
Yep. English is not my first language. Sorry.


mangomuumuu March 6 2015, 20:10:41 UTC
We understood what you meant. Your English is excellent.


ap100 March 7 2015, 01:12:42 UTC
Thank you.


whitewedding14 March 7 2015, 16:12:05 UTC
I'm guessing you main language is Spanish, where we use the same word to describe miscarriage and abortion. We just use abortion, but to differentiate it, we use spontaneous abortion to describe miscarriage.

ap100 I think your English is perfect, and you convey your ideas thoroughly!


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withoutyoursmil March 6 2015, 23:47:26 UTC
I love this so much.

I definitely feel that Callie's commitment to Arizona throughout that time is majorly undervalued. Based on who we know Callie to be, she handled that with as much grace and fervor as she could. Did she make mistakes? Absolutely. But considering all that she was dealing with at the time, between Mark and Arizona and the near destruction of her family, she was pretty amazing. I don't know many people who wouldn't collapse under the weight of that. I've never really been sure what more people wanted from her with that storyline.


patpricka March 7 2015, 01:29:47 UTC
My issue came when the hard work started and Callie became emotionally detached, loss patience, and just failed to be supportive due to being tired. The easy part ended at the shower scene and the hard work began after for both of them. Completely understandable but they both failed at pushing/working when it was time to.
Reason why I appreciated Callie's football analogy patient.


withoutyoursmil March 7 2015, 01:50:36 UTC
My issue came when the hard work started and Callie became emotionally detached, loss patience, and just failed to be supportive due to being tired

My memory generally really sucks, but other than the sex thing and the conversation about heels around the time of Bailey's wedding, I'd love some examples of this


patpricka March 7 2015, 06:08:08 UTC
9x10: Hotel scene Arizona asks Callie to go to the bathroom so she can take off her leg

9x11: Celebratory lawsuit scene Callie makes a comment about were trying right after the beautiful hotel scene where she'll wait until Arizona's ready

9x12: Arizona lying about being in the shower

9x15: Buying hospital discussion at Merder's house

10x09: Miscarriage scene

All of these missed moments where Callie should have pushed for them to do the hard work. They were in the middle of the race, and quit at the home stretch. I really understood them just wanting to move on and being utterly exhausted by everything. The shower scene never bothered me I thought it was necessary for Arizona's wake up call. The problems began with the leg, but the irreversible damages happened when they both stopped pushing each other to finish their race.


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