February 18 - 27
The main set-up in these sides is that Dr. Walters is leading a class around the hospital on a school field trip and the kids see all kinds of bad stuff but are mostly cool with it all and excited.
AJ (STUDENT) - Dr. Walters leads a group of students around the hospital. And here’s Dr. Houston. She’s a surgeon. The kids are intimidated. Dr. Houston explains that being a surgeon means she fixes people who are hurt. COOL. AJ asks Dr. Walters what he does there and Dr. Houston changes the subject to show the field trip kids how to measure a man’s pulse. AJ points to a defibrillator. And that’s what you use if someone dies? They can use that if your heart stops. To shock it back into beating again. AJ wants to try it. Another student tells him no stupid. You’d die.
BRETT (PATIENT) - Dr. Hall and Dr. Jenkins work on Brett, moving fast. He’s a fit young man who is barely conscious in bad shape, and blood is everywhere. How’s he doing? Brett tries to speak and blood gushes everywhere. Dr. Hall puts pressure on the wound and speaks calmly. Don’t try to talk right now. We’ve got you.
MARCY (TEACHER) - She’s whispering with Dr. Walters who is guiding a group of students around the hospital. Dr. Walters tells her that they can finish the tour, but he understands if she doesn’t want to. She thinks they’re fine. Look at them. She herds them around a CT Scanner for a picture.
JULIE (STUDENT) - Julie is with her classmates, her teacher and her mom Susan. They’ve just seen a patient gurgling blood get taken to the OR. They’re crowded around the be. Dr. McCoy has a fingertip monitor on a kid and they’re watching the pulse on a monitor. Dr. McCoy explains that the monitor allows them to see how fast your heart is beating. Julie asks, and when you die, the lines go flat? Uh, yes if your heart stops beating…Any questions about the CT? Julie raises her hand and asks a follow-up about the man who was hit by the car. If he was gurgling blood, can he breath, is he going to die? Dr. McCoy kneels down and tells her that he might. But they’re going to do everything they can to prevent that from happening. Later on in a hospital conference room Dr. McCoy and Julie watch a video of surgery. It’s a bit graphic, but Julie is morbidly curious. That man died? Yes. They’re taking all of his parts out? He’s an organ donor. Wow, I want to do that. Be a donor? Nope, she wants to take the parts out. How does she get to do that? Lots of school. And lots of practice. Julie asks Dr. McCoy if he’s a surgeon. Yes he is. Cool. Then she goes back to the surgery, amazed at all of the different pieces that are being removed. This is the coolest thing she’s ever seen.
SUSAN (JULIE’S MOM) - Susan whispers to Dr. Walters who’s about to present a CT Scanner to the group of field trip kids who’ve just seen a horrifying scan of a broken leg. She wonders if they should just take the kids back to school. Dr. Walters looks around at the kids who all appear to be fine. Julie asks her question and the kids gasp. Later in radiology, Dr. Walters is running a medical slide show for the kids who are fascinated. Pretty neat right? Just a second, Dr. Walters thinks he has a picture of a water bottle stuck in a man’s stomach. Susan isn’t sure that’s appropriate. Oh, it’s fine. We got the bottle out. She still isn’t sure, but he pops the image on screen and all of the kids scream and laugh. They love it. Suddenly, Susan notices that Julie is missing. Where is Julie?
OFFICER CURTIS - He’s with Susan, who’s approaching full blown panic since her child is missing. She was last seen in the CT Room. What if someone took her? That would be unlikely. Does Susan have a picture? Yes she does. From that morning. That’s what she was wearing. Send it to him and he’ll send it around to his guys. They’ll find her. Just then a nurse brings Julie around the corner.
NICK (TEACHER or PARENT) - He’s one of the adults leading a school field trip, no age or description is provided in the side. He is in a stairwell and runs into a nurse. Apparently, he’s lost all of his kids, 10 of them, six graders. She thinks they’re in radiology. He starts to go and then asks her if she happens to know where that is. The nurse smiles and leads the way.
Later that night the nurse is charting and sees them heading out. She calls out to Nick who is happy to have the chance to say goodbye although it needs to be quick - he’s not losing those kids again. Right then the elevator begins to close with the kids in it and he starts to run after them but the nurse stops him. Wait. She could be totally off base but they kind of had a vibe together. Didn’t they? Nick completely blushes. Uh, no, she’s not off base at all. The nurse is happy and asks Nick if he wants to get together. Nick is completely floored. Uh, yeah, yeah, you really want to? Yes she does. Drinks? He doesn’t drink. Okay. Coffee? Coffee’s great. He’s all about the coffee. Perfect. She’s free Friday. Friday, yes. He’s sorry, but he can’t believe she really wants to go out with him.