Can we do something?

Oct 24, 2014 09:51

I don't usually post things so I hope I'm doing everything right ( Read more... )

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neolithicdream October 24 2014, 17:56:46 UTC
And the leaves thing worked? no!

Either they are done or they are not , Shonda decides and she does not take kindly to such gestures.

I hate to say it because my heart is broken over this but they are a fictional couple, we need to put on our big girl pants and move on. God knows I'm.sure we all have misery to contend with. I know I do.

I'm sure Crowen fans and Slexie fans have room on the couch for us.


carelikecrazy October 24 2014, 19:35:13 UTC
Have a look at the After Ellen review that just posted on the Comm. It's well articulated and helped me a lot.

True, they are merely a fictional couple, but the feelings are very real.


neolithicdream October 24 2014, 19:46:40 UTC
Feelings are real, I spent day crying, and then I cried about my real life issues,then more Calzona tears. really for an adult with a history of being sensible, of not being a hysterical crier, one whose way too old to be a " girl", with a sensible and serious career and a house and a mortgage and all sorts of sad things around me irl you would think I'd be the last person crying about a fictional couple? But you'd be wrong

Boo hoo hoo hoop, wahhhhhhhh....


emdha October 24 2014, 23:18:31 UTC
I hear ya and you are NOT ALONE! <3


nncyl72 October 24 2014, 23:25:27 UTC
The After Ellen article helped me to not feel so alone in mourning the ending of a fabulous couple.
Thanx for suggesting I read it. 😊


neolithicdream October 25 2014, 01:58:51 UTC
The feelings are ridiculously real. I wish they weren't.
wahhhhhh, :-(


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