Re-Introducing the Friending Meme!

Sep 30, 2013 20:00

So, how's everyone holding up post-premiere? If you're anything like us, you could probably use a hug right about now, or a least someone to tell you a good joke.

We have a lot of new members - from all over the world! - and we wanted to give everyone a chance to introduce themselves, get to know each other, realize they're not the only member here from Finland, etc. So, we re-introduce to you...the friending meme! (We say re-introduce because we had a friending meme going a while ago, but it understandably got buried under lots and lots of fic, events, and pretty pictures.)

Just copy-and-paste this code into a comment and add your answers, and we can all be LJ friends! We'll save this entry in the community memories so it'll be easy to find. Please be safe and don't give details like your full name, address, or phone number. :)

Favorite thing about Callie and Arizona:
Interests and hobbies:
About you:
What your journal consists of:
Would you rather be a tiny rhino or a giant hamster? (Someone asked Sara this question on Twitter and we think it's hilarious.)
Anything else you may like to add:

comm: event, comm: mod post, comm: members

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