Arizona during the Musical Episode

Apr 07, 2011 00:07

 Reading the fic titled "Suddenly I see" made me finally put what I thought about the musical episode in coherent here it's mainly Arizona related as I adore her...
I apologize if this has already been said elsewhere (as I assume it has)..

- when Arizona got out of the ambulance she bumped into owen and the only person that even looked at her was Alex (even if it was for just a second he seemed worried).
- lucy only focused on the heartbeat of the baby after derek asked her after mark asked him...basically everybody ignored Arizona
- how come no one asked Arizona if she was ok? (until alex later)
- in the first OR scene, derek looks up, sees Arizona and then sends Lexie after Mark? WTF?
- Loved the fact that Alex cared about Arizona
- Bailey talked to both of them sort just facing mark...
- I won't even go into the stupidity that is the words coming out of Mark's mouth because it gets me upset every time I hear it and I want to throw stuff at my computer
- while Arizona was a little harsh in saying he's just a sperm donor, Mark taunted her into it by questioning her position...totally uncalled for
- I get that Derek is Mark's best friend...but seriously...only facing him while talking about Callie was just rude and then just kind of dismissing Arizona
- The scene with Callie and Arizona singing broke my heart. I think my favorite line of the entire episode was Arizona saying "Can you please live? For me?" 
- That being said they could have had a bit more of the song in there...
- When they rush to the newborn, how come Mark can just hover over Lucy? 
- Also, before the baby was born...while I was completely happy that Arizona was always there where the hell was mark if he cares so much?  

comm: off topic, ga: misc, ga: discussion

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