Title: We'll Say it All: A Series of Drabbles and 500-word Interludes (1/?)
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: PG-13
Words: 900
Disclaimer: All television shows, books, movies, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work and the characters, events, and settings thereof are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.
Summary: Callie and Arizona start to talk. Begins where C/A's last scene in 7.16 left off. This is kind of a continuation of my drabble series
None of the Rest of It but stands on its own as well.
A/N: Someday I will write fluff maybe in another life. Today is not that day, so be warned. Also, I like to make things a little difficult for myself, so each part of this fic is structured with two opening drabbles, followed by a 500-word interlude, and then two closing drabbles. I drew a lot of inspiration from the discussions that have occurred in the comm over the past few days, so thank you! Gomez's "Little Pieces" also offered some themes to this first part, and I of course do not own that song either.
"It was terrifying being a little less whole, and all she wanted was for Callie to make her complete."