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dorcasbarcus August 15 2010, 23:24:00 UTC
Meg Marinis’ debut episode was impressive and I hope she’ll be back to write more. From a C/A viewpoint I thought job # 1 on her to do list was *dirtyify* AZ and we definitely saw a side heretofore hidden. The ep progressed and her iron will, raised-in-a-military-family take charge was displayed again and again - contrasted almost tantalizing with birth and smushy baby time and the loving persistence of Callie, both of which might have given her pause, but didn’t seem to. Arizona’s harshness appeared to escalate from the first moments of their arguing to her lash of “I like my life…..hope I wasn’t wrong” and I admit to an audible gasp and a verbal “Don’t say that!” when I first watched. Anger, trust, frustration - given the finale resolution it was difficult to predict at this point if Arizona is being totally open or is masking her issues. Yet, with perspective it is sensible, because the people we love the most are so often the same people we hurt the most - they are at the core of our greatest fears and insecurities and bear our worst when we are at our worst. So kudos to Marinis for going there, but OUCH, it still hurts to watch that scene.

The triumph is obviously their last moments - I would say their most intimate scene ever. Sara and JCap absolutely excel in the subtle physicalities, the gestures, the expressions - they bring so much chemistry and power to the smallest display of contact and movement that it takes only the millisecond of Callie’s nose touch to say what words need not articulate. I have expressed more than once to my awesome-Grey’s-writing friend....we suffer because of their immense talents in this regard. Easier to delete C/A scenes or cut them short because the two need less groundwork and fewer words to convey clear feeling and intent. Beyond the exquisiteness, I think those moments in bed show us for the first time the depth of Arizona’s vulnerability to Callie. She has been the support, the faithful friend and lover, she has given “little pieces” of herself, she has flip flopped on dating newborns, and girl’s night, and chicken pox fibs; but none of those - in fact nothing up to now, has brought her face to face with the conflicting claims of her unqualified need and desire for Callie and a real substantive issue which she cannot fix or control. She reins in so many of her emotions effectively until that moment when she sees Callie trying to lay it all aside, and then we see AZ’s intensity of feeling and investment - what is really behind all those walls she tries to keep erect. Top of the list of C/A scenes, IMHO.

Old man baby, for sure.

Sunday fancasts = good times. Thanks so much. :-)


mangomuumuu August 16 2010, 03:34:21 UTC
Exactly this.

I'm a little in love with Meg Marinis. I hope she gets assigned a couple eps in the new season. She even made me semi-interested in Jackson and the "big hook" line and Meredith in the elevator felt old school Grey's--fun and snarky with moments of character insight. And Bailey was awesome this ep. And, wow, did she give us intense C/A that felt honest of both characters.

According to your algebraic formula, we get lots of Mark screen time a la emoting in Derek's office because he can't convey the meaning of a scene without emotionless yelling and throwing things while we get little 30 second snippets of C/A because Capshaw and Ramirez are just too damn amazing for their own good? An example being, according to the podcast, the cut scene from this ep of Callie calling Arizona the baby whisperer. I'm terrible at math but that looks valid to me. :)


dorcasbarcus August 16 2010, 04:07:04 UTC
"According to your algebraic formula, we get lots of Mark screen time" .........
" we get little 30 second snippets of C/A because Capshaw and Ramirez are just too damn amazing for their own good? An example being, according to the podcast, the cut scene from this ep of Callie calling Arizona the baby whisperer. I'm terrible at math but that looks valid to me. :)"

And at least one and more likely two missing scenes from the 2nd hour of the finale? Callie singing, for sure......they were clipping along at nicely spaced intervals in the 1st hour then 2nd hour - the dynamite magic smiles and heard from no more until the last moments in the parking lot.

No math scholar here either, but it sure seems that way. :-(

Authorities please correct me if this is not accurate....I believe Maranis read and vetted the comments on the writer's blog for a couple of years, so I suspect she has some unique insights into characters and the depths of scrutiny many of us apply to them. Hope she is back for more.


elyima August 16 2010, 13:20:56 UTC
You're right, the arguments were well written. I think Meg proved that she really gets the characters. Her game was on. SHE is allowed to write Arizona; some other writers, not so much....

Now that I think about it, I'd agree that this is their most intimate scene to date. Before this, I probably would have said Arizona in the lounge consoling Callie after things didn't go well with her father. I think this scene topped that, (but it's going to lose it's place next week. BREAKUP ALERT!)

Old man baby, FTW!

Thanks so much for listening!


carrie907 August 16 2010, 14:36:44 UTC
oh man the break up podcast. : (


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