Fic:: "Puppy Love", SPN, Dean/Castiel, PG-13

Jul 31, 2009 16:10

Title:: Puppy Love
Author:: callie_828
Characters/Pairings:: Established Dean/Castiel, Sam
Genre:: Attempted Humor
Word Count:: ~1450
Rating:: PG13 for language.
Beta:: None, since this is just a silly little thing I wrote for fun.
Warnings:: None
Author's Note:: This fic was inspired by and written for breakinporcelan, who once upon a time requested a Dean/Castiel drabble in which they get a puppy who hates Dean, or something along those lines. Because it took me so freakin' long to ever get around to writing it, I decided she deserved more than a drabble. Enjoy!

“Sam, STOP!” Dean shouted, grabbing the steering wheel and jerking the Impala sharply to the right. Sam pressed the brake to the floor and shoved Dean off the wheel, struggling to gain control. The car skidded to a screeching halt inches from a tree. Sam sat stunned, panting heavily.

“What the hell, Dean!” But Dean was already out of the car and jogging back towards the road. Sam got out and quickly inspected the Impala before turning to see Dean walking casually back to him, his arm cradling something tucked in the right side of his jacket.

“Dude, what the hell?” Sam repeated, his arms out wide in anticipation of an explanation.

“You were gonna run him over, Sammy,” Dean said matter-of-factly as he reached the car.

“Who?” Sam asked, looking back at the street.

“Him,” Dean replied and he gently opened his jacket to reveal a frightened puppy. Sam looked at the dog and then pressed his lips together tightly.

“This is why you almost killed us?”

“Dude, I remember the way you used to cry at the end of Old Yeller,” Dean said, pointing a finger at Sam. “Don’t pretend you wouldn’t rather die than kill a puppy.”

“Dean - “

“Look at hiiiiiiiiiiiiiim!” Dean said, grasping the tiny dog with both hands and holding him so close to Sam’s face that their noses almost touched. Sam tried to resist, but he found himself looking straight into the puppy’s eyes and could feel his annoyance melting away.

“Okay, okay,” he surrendered. “I’m not sure he’s worth dying over, but he is pretty damn adorable.”

“Hah!” Dean exclaimed, celebrating his victory and wrapping the puppy back up in his jacket. He moved back around to the passenger side and made to get in the door when Sam spoke again.

“Dean, what are you doing?”

“What?” Dean asked innocently.

“We’re gonna take the puppy?” Sam asked in disbelief. Now it was Dean who looked annoyed.

“No, Sam, we’re gonna leave him in the road,” he said sarcastically.

“Dude, we can’t take care of a puppy,” Sam reasoned.

“Why not?”

“For one thing, the motel we’re staying in doesn’t allow pets.”

“Sam, I’ve sullied motel rooms with a lot worse than dog piss before.”

“Okay, first of all? Gross. Secondly? He could belong to someone,” Sam offered.

“Someone who lets him wander through miles of woods and onto a main road!” Dean argued.

“Dean, we can’t take care of a dog!” Sam said, perturbed. “We travel non-stop!”

“Steinbeck did it,” Dean remarked and Sam’s eyes widened. “You’re not the only one who reads, college boy,” Dean muttered as he got in the car, still cradling the puppy. Sam shook his head in disbelief before getting back in the driver’s seat.

“Fine, whatever. But Charley here is your responsibility until we can find a shelter,” he said, starting up the car and pulling back onto the road.


“It’s not funny, Sam!” Dean said as they entered their motel room, Sam now carrying the puppy and Dean holding his jacket out in front himself at arm’s length.

“What did you expect, Dean?” Sam asked, gently placing the yapping dog on the floor. “He’s a puppy. They pee. That’s just what they do.”

“Oh yeah?” Dean huffed. “So I guess this is just normal puppy stuff, too?” He gestured to the floor at his feet where the tiny brown and white dog was growling and gnawing at the toe of Dean’s boot, breaking away every so often to swat at the shoelaces.

“Yeah,” Sam responded plainly.

“So why isn’t he peeing on your coat or chewing on your shoes?”

“Maybe he likes me better,” Sam said, grinning.

“Sam, that’s impossible. Nobody likes you better. And you were gonna run him over!” Dean accused, pointing a finger at Sam

“By accident!” Sam contested.

“Hey,” Dean said, redirecting his attention to his shoes. The puppy had managed to mangle and shred one of the laces with his small but sufficiently sharp teeth. “That’s enough, you!” Dean scooped the puppy up with both hands and held him at eye level, glaring disapprovingly at the squirming animal that was now making every effort to wriggle just loose enough to where he could get his mouth around Dean’s thumb, chomping hard.

“Stop that!” Dean objected. The puppy paused to snarl at him and then leapt from Dean’s hands onto his chest, digging his claws into Dean’s shirt and hanging there, growling and nipping everywhere he could. Dean threw his arms up in disbelief and looked at Sam while the puppy dangled from the front of his shirt.

“Seriously, dude, what the hell!?”

“Maybe he’s evil,” Sam joked. “You should put some holy water in a bowl for him and see what happens.”

“Real helpful, thanks.” Dean pulled the puppy from his shirt, which tore against the puppy’s efforts to cling to it. “Great!” He shouted, putting the squirming dog down on the bed. He removed his t-shirt over his head and tossed it on top of the puppy, who rolled around and growled underneath it, struggling to find its way out. Dean grabbed a new shirt from his bag and stalked into the bathroom, slamming the door shut with a loud thud that momentarily drowned out the sound of Sam’s laughter.

Ten minutes later, Dean emerged from the bathroom showered and re-dressed to find Sam sitting on one bed working on his laptop and Castiel on the other with the puppy in his lap. Castiel was gazing down at him adoringly, but looked up when Dean entered.

“Careful,” Dean warned grumpily. “That thing is evil.” Castiel pushed his eyebrows together in confusion.

“All animals are innocent creatures,” he mused.

“Except for humans,” Sam added, while Dean shouted “He peed on my leather jacket!”

“Humans are innately innocent, but choice often proves too much of a responsibility,” Castiel said to Sam before turning back to Dean, while the puppy dozed happily in his lap, twitching and squeaking occasionally. “He’s incapable of malicious intent, Dean. He operates strictly on instinct.”

“So he instinctually hates me?” Dean asked. “Fantastic.”

“You should be used it,” Sam jested.

“Fuck off,” Dean replied, crossing the room to the mini-fridge and pulling out a beer. Castiel shot a disapproving look at Sam, who shrugged apologetically.

“I’m sorry you’re upset he doesn’t like you,” Castiel said to Dean as he absentmindedly stroked the puppy’s back. “He’ll warm up to you, perhaps. It was a very thoughtful gesture, though, and I am moved.”

“Huh?” Dean muttered around the opening of his beer bottle.

“Sam told me you got him for us. I gather from my observations of human beings that this signifies an important step in a relationship, right?” Dean choked on his mouthful of beer before his eyes widened impossibly. Sam kept his own eyes fixed on his research, though he couldn’t contain the wide grin spreading across his face.

“What the - no, I didn’t - wait…“

“Though I am also under the impression that the gift of a pet sometimes indicates belying trouble or discontent.” Castiel continued, seemingly unaware of Dean’s horrified reaction. “Are you insecure about our relationship, Dean? Have your feelings changed?” Sam’s shoulders shook with the effort of containing his laughter while blood rushed to Dean’s face, his cheeks flushing bright red.

“I… what? Jesus, Cas,” Dean said as he put a hand over his eyes in a gesture of frustration.

“Dean,” Castiel said darkly.

“Yeah yeah yeah,” Dean cut him off. “Sorry. I’ll try to keep the blasphemy to a minimum.”

“So…” Castiel started, hesitating briefly. “So you’re not unhappy with me? This is not some sort of… what do they call it? Band-aid for our relationship?”

“No!” Dean shouted, plopping down in a chair and rubbing his temples. “Do we have to have this conversation!?”

“I’ve always hoped not,” Castiel responded. “But communication seems key in a healthy - “

“I swear to God if you say ‘relationship’ one more time…” Dean interrupted.

“Dean. The blasphemy.”

“I’m sorry, but we’re not gonna sit here and talk about feelings, you woman!” Dean said, flushing again. “Can’t you just read my mind if you really wanna know?”

“You’ve asked me not to do that.”

“Yeah, well, I change my mind.” Castiel tilted his head to one side and examined Dean.

“You don’t mean that. You were right to ask me not to do it. It gives me an unfair advantage in our relationsh - “

“I’m leaving,” Dean said quickly, getting up and moving towards the door.

“But we haven’t named him,” Castiel objected. Dean pulled open the door and slammed it shut behind him, the sound of Sam’s boisterous laughter fading as he headed for the Impala, got in, and peeled away in search of the nearest pet store.


dean/castiel, fic, fic: supernatural, public entry

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