Jun 13, 2003 12:51
It's 1pm and I'm still hungry. I can't get up the motivation to go out into the oppressive heat to buy something because nothing sounds good. I have to get into the hot car and drive to get anything other than a cheese crisp or hot pocket from the vending machine. Blah.
I need to call the nanny and see how Carter's doing. He had some spots of blood (external) when Scott was cleaning up after a dirty diaper this morning. I don't have a clue what could cause that--he doesn't appear to have any diaper rash or anything. She said she'd call if she saw anything, but I still want to check in.
Oops, just sort of fell asleep typing--yes, it's that interesting around here.
At least I get to leave a little early today to visit the chriopractor. I went for the first time last Friday and have finally found someone I like and trust. It seems to help right after the adjustment, but the upper back and neck pain return rather quickly. Becky (the nanny) bought a neat therapeutic pillow yesterday for her neck problems. I just can't justify spending $135 for a pillow right now. Not sure I could ever justify $135 for a pillow.
I must go eat...I will go eat..