Back to the world of the weird

Oct 12, 2010 10:11

Okay so now university has officially started up again, I should get back into the habit of updating. Last year's attempt faded away but that was because more personal things than I could have believed possible keep popping up out of nowhere.

Had first proper lesson yesterday that is directly linked to Contemp. Theatre and it has only confirmed what I already knew to be true- I hate contemporary theatre. I find it pointless, prententious and annoying. And useless. The only thing I can think I will ever use it for is to write funny anecdotal inspired scripts which will become hit plays and shows which I will of course star in. But seriously, I do hate it. After four months freedom from it I feel like I've been dragged from somewhere free and happy to a place....of slightly hellish inclinations.

Yesterday we spent four hours changing a text into different pretentious things. But I can't get too mad because the guy teaching us is rather young and sweet and a very nice person and deserves only our sympathy and co-operation rather than suffer any aggression I might feel to the course itself.

On the upside- I'm in the university's performance of Nine. The chorus not a main, but that's really because I'm not overly keen on this particular musical, but there's a lot of powerful dance and group scenes and as chorus it allows me to be in all of them. They were originally going to be doing another musical which I was going to fight tooth and nail for a particular part- but my singing key is perfect for that character and my acting is a constant stunning thing, teehee, so it would be less of a fight and more of a graceful win, mwa haha. But well we lost the rights and so it didn't happen and nine we got.

Also the university is now offering free singing lessons which I queued up early to sign up for (there were only 15 places available) and boy was there a queue. I got on though so woo-hoo.

And today I have auditions for a Snow Queen roadshow around primary schools at Christmas which I would absolutely adore to do.

Also, in the part-time job department I have applied to be a christmas grotto elf.
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