(no subject)

Apr 17, 2005 10:47

so at the rate that people check my journal it would seem I need to update more often(*coughdavidcough*). So........whats up?..... Nothing here.....well this has been fun. No just playing. My nephew came and visited me yesterday and he left today. His parents were here too but no one cares about them. I'm just kidding they're alright. As the time comes to go off to college I get more and more excited about living in richmond, not even so much with VCU. I just really think I'm gonna love living in the city which is contrary to everything I ever thought I ever knew(*you never knew you never knew*Pochahontas). SO now I'm about to out and see the new house, better be tight or I'm staying here, I'll camp in the yard if I have to. Everyone should go see myspace and then get their own myspace so I can add you to my network of friends extending from MI to here. Prom is coming up and I'm wearing a Zoot Suit, but of course the suits, though pictured with it, do not come with a hat. So I thought about buying one off the internet. $55.00 ARE YOU CRAZY!! So I went to ebay found the same hat brand new off the same website and won it for $31.50(*finally I am becoming a smart consumer*Zoidberg, Futurama) You'll notice the parentheticalness of the entry this time, well thats because we are getting ready to do our 12th grade research paper and I need to practice even though this is the worst possible example of practicing ever. You can deal with it. Life overall is going pretty good, and I do just want all my friends, old, new, or previously disbanded, to know that life is to short for stupid fights and vowing not to talk to each other anymore. Look at the friends you had back in the day you don't even look at anymore, think of how it feels when you pass them in the hall, do you really want more of that. So how about, inviting me over to your house once an awhile, call me up when your bored and want something to do. I'm not gonna hold a grudge, I just don't want there to be any hard feelings right before the greatest time of our life, the summer after graduation. Just remember that.
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