Feb 21, 2017 20:13
Answer: probably a man.
I ordered a pair of jeans that looked really cute and didn't realize they were high-waisted. OMG tool of the devil! A lot of women seem to like high-waisted jeans, but I totally hate the high waist of these jeans, it is so uncomfortable and awkward! I got the right size too, they fit great everywhere else, and it's not that the waist is too tight it's just so high that it feels like I'm wearing a corset or one of those waist wraps for people with injured lower backs/waists. I'm thinking I should return them, but it's such a shame because they fit so good everywhere else and look really good on with a shirt that covers my tummy/waist area. Everything from the crotch area up looks so ugly, I can't so I'd have to hide it with an untucked shirt. I do not know how some women wear crop tops with high-waisted jeans. I think this style of jeans must be made for people with completely flat, toned stomachs ughhhh (which is like such a small part of the American population, seriously clothing manufacturers & designers wtf is up with your delusions). It probably doesn't help when it comes to finding jeans that I have a weird body shape -- I've got a relatively wide/thick waist compared to my hips and legs so if something fits me in the waist, it'll be too big and baggy everywhere else.
Genetics is killing me. This class is so hard for me, it shouldn't be this hard because I'm really good at science and math -- all my other science and math courses have come really easily to me, but this is just...idek. I'll be reading the textbook and just be like hahaha, wtf man are you even going on about none of this makes any sense. I've been watching videos on youtube to help supplement my utterly whack textbook, but I still feel like a deer in the headlights. I'd go in and talk to my professor during his office hours but he's the sweetest and most confusing guy ever. Cue up BTS's song "Lost."