Jan 25, 2006 22:39
Why does LJ keep giving me an 'Error' message when I try to unscreen Anonymous comments? It keeps telling me the 'URL doesn't match journal owner.' WTF?
So ettie, I'm sorry if you can't see your Anon comment because LJ won't let me unscreen it. :(
You know, I don't like complaining about LJ maintenance because I really think the LJ people do a great job. But recently, shit seems to be going crazy all over the place. The 'memories' function hardly ever works, often when I click on people's cut-tags I can't get connected to their LJs to read what they've written, I've been repeatedly kicked off 'logged on' status, and now this. WTF. I think this new change in http addresses may prove to be more of a hindrance than a help.