tonight's alias

Jan 18, 2004 21:14

the bad:
1) maybe i'm overly cynical but the whole plot of this episode seemed to be a thinly veiled way to put sydney and vaughn in a life-threatening situation so they could kiss and be all angsty and lovelorn. feh. i'm not impressed that jj would devote a whole hour to placating s/v shippers.

2) the whole convoluted thing with katya wanting jack to kill sloane and then calling it off at the last minute. wtf?

3) seeing katya kiss jack made me sad. god, do i miss irina (lena).

4) the eeevil looks lauren was throwing around all willy-nilly during the entire ep. okay, she's eeevil and standing in the way of syd/vaughn's lurve of the ages, i get it.

5) dude, i so do not need that guy from 'the mummy' movies popping up on alias.

6) sark running off all mysterious-like again.

the good:
1) jack kicking ass.
2) just seeing sloane again. i missed his weaselly beady little eyes in last week's episode.
3) the instant messenger conversation between jack and irina. damn, i wuv them. even when their love can only be realized through computer technology.
4) david using his real voice. sisrover and i were rolling on the floor at the goofy cuteness.
5) sydney holding a knife to sark's delicate bits and vaughn's comment about sark not moving if he wanted to have kids in the future. that's why i ship sarkney, yo. nothing says love like having the girl threatening you lorena bobbitt style. that whole scene was just excellent. i didn't even mind the fact that vaughn was there because i love seeing syd and sark mix it up.
6) griffin dunne.
7) firing squad. i love movies and tv shows where characters have to face a firing squad. it's
8) isabella rossellini is still as lovely as ever.
9) weiss and marshall getting some screentime.
10) and the best thing of all?SQUEE! they played damien rice's song 'delicate' at the end. 'delicate' was on the mixed cd i sent to david anders back in november. sisrover turned to me and screamed 'omg! maybe he played the cd you gave him to bad robot!'. yeah, a girl can dream. ;b

random thought: i don't think sark and lauren have a relationship. sark doesn't seem to know she's working for the covenant and she didn't seem to know that he was the covenant operative that was being sent into north korea.

alias, tv

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