Dear Yule Goat - 2010 edition

Dec 25, 2010 23:03

Dear Yule Goat

Firstly, thank you for offering to write in whichever fandom it is we've been matched on. Please know that whatever you write, I will love because it's fic in one of these fandoms, about the characters I want to read about.

General things: I'm all about the girls (shocking that, I know, given the characters I've requested). Especially them with their own agency, doing their own stuff. Other things I love are AU fic (except vampire-based ones), dorky romance stuff, character-focussed fic, and banter. Major squicks are consent issues of any kind, graphic kink-fic, and character bashing. And in general, I'm not so much a fan of the boyslash. I don't mind background pairings but would prefer nothing central to the story.

So, for a little more about the specific fandoms, read on. Or don't - I'll be psyched to read whatever I get so if you have your own ideas, go with those.

Corner Gas - I love the quirky humour of Corner Gas and I love Karen and Lacey especially. Personally, I see Karen as exceedingly gay so if there could be some femslashy stuff going on, I would love that, but gen would be equally cool.

Lip Service - So, Sam. Sam is awesome. I love Sam a lot. I would love to see *her* side of the story in all of this, because so far everything's really been from Cat's perspective and I'd like to see how Sam's really coping with all the Cat/Frankie stuff. Or Sam backstory! Or Sam doing anything really. Out of preference, no Cat/Frankie please, and this is being written before episode six so who knows what'll happen!

Rush - To have them actually talking about something (not necessarily work-related) would be amazing. If said discussion could be focussed on a topic other than a guy/guys, that would be amazing. And if Shannon's interested in Stella's bisexuality - not in an experimental kind of way but in a 'how did you realise'/'does it make things hard for you'/general awkward questions asked of LGBT people by others (Shannon strikes me as the type to ask awkward questions), that would be great too. My personal head canon for the show is all over Shannon/Lawson, but feel free to just ignore that - I'm still at the stage where I want to see where the show will go with it.

Val McDermid-Wire In The Blood series - Paula is by far my favourite character from the series and really, I'd just like to see more of her. If you want to write Elinor as well, that would be amazing, but gen Paula is awesome, Paula on the job, Paula hanging out with the team, Paula dealing with being a little bit in love with Carol Jordan - anything really, as long as there's Paula!

So thank you for signing up for whichever of these fandoms you've signed up for, and I can't wait to read what you come up with. Honestly, I'll be happy with whatever you write so if none of these ideas speak to you, don't worry and just go with whatever works for you. And thank you again!

writing: ficathons

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