Title: Quiet Moments
calleigh4ever Rating: K
Pairing: Stanathan
Disclaimer: This is a real person fic but I assure you that all the things happening in the story have never happened and are completely fictional. No harm intended! This story is entirely nonprofit and just for fun.
Dedication: For everybody who loves Stanathan!
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now lemme go find stanas boob lol oh right, i already did :P
and hell yes, but what would you expect of him, I mean he's not Nathan, so it's a given he has an ugly sex face, even though he's doing Stana right there and that should make for a beautiful sex face...
And on the highly small possibility of me ever having sex with Stana, I doubt that my face will ever look as beautiful as hers - in any context...well but I do have her birth mark lol that's totally making up for everything else :D
And yeah you are so right! BUT I'm guessing if it's Nathan shes having sex with there will be two equally beautiful sex faces and well be in shipper heaven and all will be good!
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