Dec 05, 2005 07:20
I'm not sure that question can be properly answered but I'll entertain a few guesses. No as usual it has no rhyme or reason behind its being I simply have carved it here as a matter of curiousness. I find that any sort of thing I write here that other people can see is written in such a manner as to either be confusing, fun, or an attempt at both with largely mixed results. I love double meanings. The best writing always has two meanings and can sustain the belief among most that there is only one. Reading what I have put down here recently I think I leave both meanings far too viable, issuing simply confusion rather than delight or mundane acknowledgment.
I shall try to remedy this.
So, where does the moon find warmth when the sun goes down? Ask you friends and see if they know the answer, or don't and simply reply with your estimate. Given my audience I expect any sort of speculation, including an answer grossly geeky or transcendentally profound. Yes random internet entity you are recieving a compliment. Run with it and ask few questions in return to avoid ruining the effect.