Why is it...

Jan 10, 2008 02:07

That every four years very stupid people get very excited about picking, not someone who has intelligence or principles, but someone they think will have their same feelings and is electable, like a presidential candidate was a proxy personal ad.

Quite frankly any politician that looks Iraq and says, "Hey lets stay until everyone is happy or dead, FOR THE HONOR of those that have died and those we plan on sending to their deaths," should be beaten with a bronze bust of George F.(fucking) Washington. Remember him boys and girls? Most popular president? Father of the country? Didn't get us dicked up in France when we were fucked at home? Had the idea that we should stay the fuck out of places we didn't belong?

Dear Mike and John,

IED fodder, traditionally known as cannon or machine gun fodder, is not a very fucking honorable position to be in. Dead men don't hop out of their flag draped casket thanking the fat bastards that gave them the honor of being put in it. That's delusional relativist reasoning to make people sleep well at night while they have wet dreams about WWII and GI Joe patriotism.

Draftable Fodder F. Scott Fuckyou

P.S. The Vietnamese have a working country now John. Get the fuck over it.

Rant done. God I needed that.
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